Consisting of Notes, Historical scraps, etc.

One purpose of this story is to show that we do not have to go back to ancient Israel, to the ancient Nephite or Jeradite times in order to show up the hand of Providence in the blessing and preservation of the Lord's children whenever or wherever they are loyal and true to Him, and live the Gospel.

The San Juan (Utah) pioneers have tested this question out through the years of intense times and trying conditions since we were called on this mission in 1879.

I am the last one of the original pioneers who was of age when we landed in what is now San Juan County. The only one who is left here in this, or near-by part of Utah, and there are many people old and young who are looking up any items of early history of San Juan.

There seems to be a disposition to wish to give me more credit than is due me. I don't think of a scrubbier, more dishonorable game than this would be on my part, to attempt to put this over. I freely acknowledge that there will be errors found in my writings, as many years had passed since I started to write, at the suggestion of a number of influential people, among them, three or four governors of our State of Utah.

[These writings of Kumen Jones are being copied and in some cases slightly revised under the direction of Albert R. Lyman. There will be no attempt made to arrange these stories in their chronological order, but they will appear here as they occur in the books and notes submitted for copy.]
Ellen Lyman, scribe