In the time between 1068 and 1093 the Normans first gained a foot hold in conquering the Welch, who were in no condition to resist their encroachments. The Welch were not united themselves but were in small clans or tribes with petty chiefs over them. The Normans worked slowly capturing these clans one at a time and were careful not to rouse any great uproar pretending to be reasonable in offering to the Welch the Christian religion.
It would seem that it was in the program that there was to be an indiscriminate mixture of those hardy races in preparation for the time when the gospel would be sent among them.
The old original Welch stock were apparently not over-religious and were held together more or less for social and business reasons. It seems the old long headed Normans broke in on them when they were more or less disunited among themselves.
The operation was made on my leg April 30, 1936. It was in the hospital, under the care of Dr. Kent. On the twenty-first of May I left the hospital with Tom, Alma, Mamie, my daughter, and Ann and went to Holbrook. I arrived in Blanding on the 22nd day of May, 1936.
In September I went to Cortez with my son-in-law, Melvin J. Adams, and my daughter, Mamie, his wife, and had Dr. Johnson examine my leg, and it was decided to have the bone cut off about one and a half inches, which Dr. Johnson done, and it was entirely successful, and "believe it or not" (Ripley) after the doctor got me under the influence of his anesthetic, I have not had a minute of pain. The doctor watched the leg-stump a day or two and let me return to Blanding, where I remained until the latter part of September, when my son-in-law, Melvin J. Adams, and my daughter, Mamie, took me and my sons, Marvin and Leland, back to Mesa, Arizona, and they started back the same evening. Marvin worked there in the temple and Leland assisted in caring for me.
November 3rd, 1936, Mesa, Arizona: Leland was run into by an auto and hurt in the back. He was taken to the hospital on "the South Side" and placed under care of Dr. Kent. An x-ray revealed that the muscles of the back were ruptured a little, not serious.
We fixed up for me to cut up an extra large cottonwood tree, partly dry, which turned out to be extra tough, but that only made more and harder exercise for me. I will not hesitate to recommend this exercise to furnish play. For physical exercise will help work up an appetite, help pass the time away and save expense and
balance the family budget. It also sets a good example to the neighbors, etc., especially to my family. This latter view of the question is worthy of our consideration, as it affects our standing of worthiness among our friends and neighbors among the community where we live. I believe I got more and better education from the example of my neighbors and the lives they lived than I got from the day school of my younger days, besides being a factor for good in promoting my progress in life.
My wife, Lydia May Lyman Jones was born May 1st, 1864, and passed on from this life April 17, 1906, being 42 years, one month and seventeen days old. With our baby boy, Francis W. Jones in her arms, she took hold of a blazing lamp and carried it out of the house. In doing so, her clothes caught fire, burning her so seriously that it resulted in her death after nine days of suffering.
She was a daughter of Amasa M. Lyman, a member of the Quorum of Apostles of the L. D. S. Church, and Lydia Partridge Lyman, his wife. Her father was Edward Partridge, the first bishop of the Church. She was the mother of ten of the eleven children of our family: Franklin Treharne, Kumen Stanley, Thomas De Alton, Marvin Willard, Edward Clyde, Leland Henry, Mary Lydia, Marion, Alma Uriah, Francis William.
Nothing could turn or swerve her from doing her full and loyal duty to her family. No man ever had a truer and more loyal helpmate for an eternal companion. And while on this subject I will make a humble statement or confession: While working out my 78th year of this probation I have no desire in my mind or soul to ask any change in my family arrangement, but I am more than willing to work and plod along, doing the best I can in the station where Providence has placed me. What right has an imperfect husband or parent to expect or demand perfection in his family? And in the deepest and most sincere emotions of my soul I praise my Maker for my heritage and the associations in which my probation is placed. May I nor any member of our family do anything to endanger our birthright.
May was always loyal to "Aunt Mary" as well: and how wonderfully she was repaid by the lovely care her children received from "Aunt Mary" after her departure. The truth about this matter is a touching tribute to each of them.
Apostle Francis M. Lyman, May's brother, when at Bluff, Utah, visiting with the Church authorities, put this question to me squarely: "How do you get along with my sister?"
Answering him I said: "Uncle Marion, we have lived together 24 years without a semblance of a quarrel." His answer to us was, "That shows the good stock in my sister, " and I of course, agreed
with the apostle.
She was an all-around good scout, calm and even tempered, slow to anger or to stampede, patient and charitable. She spoke well of everyone or remained silent. The blood of Ephraim made the gospel of second nature to her, and she was obedient to all its requirements. As far as I can judge she filled the gospel requirements 100 per cent for an ordinary mortal, and is beyond the power of evil or trouble in any form, for which I humbly praise our Maker.
We mortals do not know and never will know and appreciate what it means to us to have so noble and pure and worthy companions sealed to us for all time. That is, a full appreciation will not dawn upon us in mortality, but will await the resurrection to reveal eternal values to us. We likely had a knowledge of all these important truths in our spirit life before coming here, and I believe had some clear ideas or understanding as to individuals, etc.
Description from memory: My father, Thomas Jones, was born July 20th, 1827, and died in 1862, aged 34 years. Height, five feet and ten inches; hair sandy; whiskers, red; weight, 150 [pounds]; ambitious to get on in the world; thrifty; hard worker. He had a high sense of honor, and stood four-square for honesty with all men. He was what would be called quick-tempered. While camping away from home in stormy weather, hauling timber, he got wet and slept in soaking wet bedding, contracted a severe cold, took to his bed with rheumatism, and suffered unspeakable pain and misery for two years or more before he passed on. Before breaking in health he took a more or less active interest in public affairs; was a counsellor in the bishopric of the Cedar Ward, L. D. S. Church, under two bishops.
There is one event in his life for which his family have always been deeply grateful: Before that dreadful and unfortunate affair, for which our people have been bitterly assailed, the affairs at the Mountain Meadows, father was called into a secret council, ostensibly to work out some plan to save these emigrants from impending trouble with the Indians, but from some hint that was inadvertently dropped, father became suspicious and left the council. But before being allowed to leave, an attempt, with a threat to swear him to secrecy, which only convinced father of the existence of some dangerous plot against the companies. So he and other leading men of the community sent a messenger posthaste to the governor of the territory of the imminent danger overhanging the emigrating company. There being no railroad service, telegraph or other than pony express, after having made the ride
of 560 mile in six days, it was too late to do anything as the wicked and unjustifiable deed had been committed.
I am quite sure that there were some young men, likely just as good men naturally as our father, who were inveigled by older men into that serious error by one pretext or another, and they will some time come out free and blameless. However, we are very grateful for our father's wise decision at that critical time.
Father worked on his small farm and at different jobs, some stone mason work, and he worked some time for a company who attempted to make iron.
OUR MOTHER, SAGE TREHARNE JONES weighed about 130 pounds, height five feet six or seven inches, dark brown hair. She had no schooling. She was born Nov. 27th, 1832, Llanelly, Glamorganshire, South Wales, and died at Cedar City, Utah, March 20, 1897. She joined the L. D. S. Church with her family, both parents, three sisters: Mary, Jane and Sarah, and brother William. [She] emigrated in the year 1848 [with] all the family.
Her parents both died just before leaving St. Louis to cross the plains for Utah. After her parents died, mother joined the family of Evan M. Green, and came to Utah with them. The Green family became very much attached to her and she to them. Father and mother were married in Salt Lake in 1852, and moved to Cedar City in 1852, and lived in the second old fort, in the northeast corner of the fort.
Mother had no education, learned to read a little early in her life, but until I moved out to San Juan county she could not write. She once told me that she had so much trouble getting letters written to me that she decided to learn how to write. It was a surprise to me to see how quick she learned, and I was getting as nice, well-written letters as one could wish for. It was not long until she was attending to the post office for Cedar City.
I thank our dear Father in Heaven for my parents and for my birthright all around. It is a heritage above my power to express. When I recall how faithfully our mother performed the labors of her trying life's mission I feel "Oh, how short I come of being worthy of it all."
Mother lived to see all of her sons and her only daughter get married, and she felt pleased with the choice that each one had made. She saw all her sons chosen for responsible positions in the Church and state which repaid her, at least in part, for her sacrifices. When the time comes when the One Just Judge rewards His children for their loyalty to Him and to His earthly authority, we know that our faithful, devoted mother will be
rewarded in full. May our Heavenly Father help all her posterity to so live that we may be worthy of our noble parentage when we all meet again.
A Tribute
Had I my life to live again, when this good life is through,
Retaining all the best of this and adding to the new,
I'd start by being kinder to our good mother, left alone
With six small kiddies, under eight, and the work of home;
Left almost penniless too, with broken health and nerve,
The only asset left her was the iron will to serve.
Through this short, cruel story there is history sublime
Reaching up towards heaven to realms of the divine.
She drew much needed courage from the servants of the Lord,
In material help and counsel, from fathers of Cedar Ward,
Who always gave a kindly hand, a friendly word and smile.
Ye public servants keep this up, 'Twill help us out the while;
There's one more family item that should be noted too,
To round the story out and make it full and true,
It is of a child turned man almost overnight,
Turned into a princely man and made a noble fight,
'Twas our brother Lehi made that character summersault,
Turned from childhood to manhood without one serious fault.
Though eighty-three he still plods on, in a slightly lower gear,
With wise and friendly counsel his life work has made clear.
I wish all men had brothers, just like this pal of mine,
'Twould make this a wiser world, much better and sublime.
MY OLDER BROTHER ALMA was born August 31, 1853. While the family were journeying to Salt Lake, he was kicked by one of the oxen of the team when they were near Fillmore, and was buried in the Fillmore cemetery when he was between two and three years old. The family were on their way to conference.
MY BROTHER LEHI, born November 1854 at Cedar City, Utah, was 5 feet, 9 inches in height and weighed 155 pounds. He was very light in complexion, followed farming, stock raising and general business. By strict economy, thrift and industry, he made his way up to a good success. Being the oldest son to live, he took very early in life the responsibility of the care of the family, in which he took a noble and intelligent part.
I have never known of a better boy, young man, and now an old man than Lehi W. Jones. If he has a fault, I don't know it. He may not take as good care of himself as he should, and some of us might think he would do better to travel at a lower gear of speed in the material interests in favor of the spiritual interests, but who is to judge? He has the added care of one of the best
helpmetes on this earth in an invalid condition, in which our hearts go out in tenderness to them both.
For many years Lehi has taken an active part in matters of a public nature where health and education etc., have called for not only wisdom in the handling, but it has called for cash, and some one to stand in the gap where good credit was needed. Lehi labored as a missionary in the South
KUMEN JONES: As I come next in the line, I can look the world in the face and say that if I was called up to be the judge I would say that I am not as good a man as any of my brothers. Many of the incidents that I have written of in my life will sound rather of a boastful nature. It will be remembered, however, that I have intentionally left out most of my defects and very unworthy weak spots.
THOMAS JONES, the fourth son, was five feet, nine inches in height, weighed 140 pounds, had red hair and light complexion. He was born June 5, 1858 at Cedar City, Utah and died on January 6, 1931. As a child he started out with a happy disposition, and with rather a mechanical turn, and quite early in life he took up the carpenter trade which he followed through life quite successfully, and also worked himself up into a clean-cut, successful, public-spirited, useful citizen, as well as a Church leader in his part of the State, Iron County, and Parowan Stake.
He was quite unpretentious with a high sense of humor. He endeared himself to all good people who became acquainted with him. He had quite a lot of trouble with rheumatism. "Jed" as we called him, Thomas J. Jones, also took a leading part in public improvements, especially schools, school building, etc., and was one of the prime movers in securing the Branch A. C. which has done so much good for the southern part of the State of Utah.
He was very fortunate, as well as all the Jones' brothers, including myself, in choosing companions for not only this mortal life, but for the eternities that are before us. The Lord has given us extraordinary good helpmetes for our everlasting queen princesses to reign with us in our little kingdoms, but we will not become fully aware of the value of the choice we have made until after the resurrection.
WILLIAM T. JONES, born September 12, 1859; died 1895. He was 5 feet, 8 inches in height, weighed 130 pounds, was light complexioned, not strong in body, but ambitious, and a hard worker. He had an even temperment and a keen sense of humor; he was honest and a straight shooter in all his dealings. He started out to become a well informed man by home reading and study mixed in with a very busy life.
He was called on a mission to preach the Gospel where he did a heroic work until his health gave way and he was released before the usual time, and never fully gained good health again. He married Katurah Arthur, a good, kind, patient soul, who bore him three boys and three girls. The older son was a helpless invalid the greater part of his life, being crippled with rheumatism, and others of the children were not rugged in health, but all of them just as good as gold.
URIAH TREHARNE JONES, born February 11, 1861. He had a twin sister. He did not enjoy good health during his infancy; had little if any schooling, but because of his own efforts he did not suffer nor experience much inconvenience on that account. Being of a studious turn of mind he started very early in life to work his way up, making commendable progress in all lines of useful endeavor, spiritually, intellectually, financially, etc.
He began by working in the old Cedar Co-op with Henry Leigh as a chaperon, and few boys on this earth of ours ever had a better scoutmaster. And for the little measure of success that Thomas Jones' boys may have made, cousin Henry must have some of the credit. He is just one more whose confidence and affection will carry over into the eternities.
If our brother, Uriah, ever had any wild oats in his make-up, he must have had a way of keeping them in the background. I never saw any sign of them, nor heard anything about them. In our childish days and ways, I laid claim to Uriah as a baby, and our elder brother, Lehi, claimed Uriah's twin sister, Sarah Ann, and as a matter of course, each of us had the best baby in our day-herd, to whom each of us paid special attention.
It is astonishing how those childish fancies persist, but for many years that fancy has faded out of my life, and if it should happen to be within my province to judge in this case, I would have to say that our sister would be among those whom our Savior referred to when He said, "Blessed are the pure in heart."
She had five children, two girls and three boys. The latter part of her life she was almost in invalid with rheumatism in her hands and arms. I left Cedar City some years before she married Alonzo Higbee, and I saw but very little of her family after that time, as they made their home away from the town and away from the main roads, on a ranch and farm. Sarah Ann passed away in 1895.
May the Lord bless her family, and make us all better and more worthy of our heritage in this mortal existence.
Uriah T. Jones filled many important places in the Church, also in civil positions and with business concerns in Cedar City and Parowan Stake. He was a representative from Iron County to the State Legislature, both the lower house and the Senate.
He was another fortunate Jones in his choice of a permanent companion and helpmete--Mary Alice Higbee. To this couple were born 3 boys and 4 girls (one died in infancy.) It was an ideal family, with an ideal head to it. At the passing on of Uriah T. Jones all his kinfolk had occasion to feel humbly grateful to have President Heber J. Grant, President of our Church, George H. Dern, Governor of the State of Utah, and other notable visitors from Salt Lake City attend the services held in his honor. I am sure I will
be pardoned by all those people who became well acquainted with our brother if I look upon him as a little out of the ordinary in many ways, and one who (all things considered) made a noteworthy success. It is a pleasant, and comforting thought to recall the pleasant and wholesome regard maintained each for the other in our home life, and best of all, this is the second chapter of a story without an end. The third chapter will be continued sometime, somewhere, under far more favorable conditions and surroundings, and never end.
All my charitable friends, I'm sure, will pardon this estimate recorded above, or my personal opinion of my family tree; some may think it is an effort to throw bouquets at myself. However, take it as it comes free, to Home Market, or "foreign trade." "Them is my sentiments."
December 19, 1878 I was sealed (married) to Mary Nielson in the St. George Temple for Time and Eternity. When I spoke to the Bishop about getting a Bishop's Recommend to go thru the Temple to be married as all good L.D.S. members are supposed to do, (not knowing just what was required,) he, the Bishop, asked if I thot I was worthy of going thru that sacred house for my endowments and to be sealed to a pure young woman for all time as well as eternity. I told him bluntly "No, I don't think I have been as good as you suggest one should be to enter the Temple for that sacred purpose." Well, that puts a difficult question up to us. We are held responsible by the Church Authorities for those we recommend to that sacred house. We will ask you to call in again and will see what we may do in the matter." At the appointed time I met with the Bishop and two counselors, who told me that they had taken into consideration with condition of the family, our mother being left with such a family of small children in poor health and poverty, and my occupation had taken me away from home the greater portion of the time. "But" in case they took a chance and issued a "Recommend" "would I improve in my Church record and try harder to make good." I promised as they
required, and while not perfect by a long shot, have made an honest attempt.
It is my wish that my children all work together until the L. D. S. Church organizes some association or order to work together. If handled wisely Leonard's children may be taken care of as well as all the children of the different families by said organization. More may be accomplished and all work together unselfishly more full handed each family will be as soon as this arrangement gets working I will be more than pleased to turn all over to this family
association all property held by me after all debts are paid.
Mesa, Ariz., March 25th, 1936 WITNESS
My wife, M. F. Jones have the following tentative agreement between ourselves in case either one should die before some other understanding is had between us.
Wife keep possession of all personal or real property as each owns or claims at this date, also one half of the Brenay Lot and improvements. Each of us to pay 1/2 of all water, light bills, etc.
Mame to own the home and lot next to the Hine's home.
One half interest in the Brenay place, and pay 1/2 expense on said place. I am to pay for keep of both so long as both live. This for the benefit of settlement with my executors of my estate.
(signed) Kumen Jones.
1712 Fell St. San Francisco, February 22, 1932
TO OUR SONS, THOMAS A., MARVIN W., LELAND H., MARION, ALMA U., FRANCIS W., and our daughter MARY LYDIA. Just a few reflections and suggestions as to our home folks whom we love.
There are some important virtues for which you all are to be commended.
1st. It is pleasing to us (Aunt Mary and myself) that all of you have been careful about your unkind criticism of other people,
which is a most worthy characteristic to your credit, and as you journey thru life your reward will be your freedom from many embarrassing situations. Those who follow that course may look the world in the face unafraid.
2nd. Your record on the question of the Word of Wisdom is about all that could be required of you. This also carries with it its own reward.
3rd. You also follow the safe road in speaking the truth, and also the other virtue that goes with it, honesty; both indispensable virtues, the corner stones of character building.
4th. It is pleasing to us to have most all of you taking hold of your Church activities and most of you filling places of responsibility in Church organizations. Accept this as a
privilege, and keep humble, prayerful, charitable, studious, and improve the time allotted to you in some useful activity. Whether our lives here in mortality be long or short, an accounting will be required as to how we use it.
We are sure you will allow us also to offer some suggestions as to how, at least most of you may do better. Improve your homes and surroundings, fences, gardens, corals, adjoining streets, and sidewalks, out houses, etc. Improve on our farming methods. Even if we take to farm. Let us take much better care of implements, tools, machinery, harness, saddles, ropes, fixtures, clothing, etc. and when we borrow from neighbors return promptly when thru with the article borrowed.
Guard well your credit; meet your obligations when humanly possible, and if impossible promptly notify your creditors and explain why.
We offer this with our blessings, Father and Aunt Mary
HOW I LOST MY LEFT LEG--April, 1936. Took sore between the ankle and calf of my leg along in the year 1936, Feb. 1st. The old timers called it a bite of a Black Spider. Dr. Kent of Mesa said it may be a "White Blood Clot" caused by poor, slow circulation of the blood stream. It was extremely painful and developed fast. April had Dr. Kent and assistant take the leg off. They told me that I had one chance out of a hundred against my pulling thru the operation. I told him to go ahead, that we would take the one chance. April was taken to the local hospital (Mesa) for ten days, where it soon developed that the operation was not successful; was brot out to Dr. Johnson, Cortez, Colorado. Dr. Johnson with an assistant operated again and was successful, and it was done without pain, and I have not suffered severe pain
during, or since the operation, and it looks now that when I check out from this mortal existence it will be from some other cause than my absent leg, and while I do not know the object of it all, am more than willing to accept it as for some wise purpose as an experience needed by me, as well as other experiences I have passed thru the past few years. It may be these things are for the future existence, in fact we are in training here for eternity where we are to "Be added upon."
Sketch of Mormon Colony 1879 to date (1931) giving some reasons for a "Call" of missionaries, to establish a settlement on the San Juan River, in Utah, where we could contact Indians as permanent Missionaries.
Brief sketch of the life of Mary Burnham Frankland Jones. Born August 26, 1867, at Hyde Park, Cache Co., Utah, (near Logan, Utah) a daughter of Luther Clinton Burnham and Matilda Barnett.