1920 Diary
Dec. 19th: Had a nice light fall of snow. High Councilor John E. Adams and Elder Hyrum C. Perkins came down from the Blanding Ward under instructions from Stake President L. H. Redd, to hold Ward Conference in Bluff Ward. Meeting was held at 2 p. m., a good attendance being present, at which Elders J. E. Adams, H. C. Perkins, and George W. Perkins (also from Blanding) spoke. The General Church, Stake and Ward authorities were presented by myself and unanimously sustained. A good spirit and good instructions were given. Visitors and local Elders paired off and visited all the families of the Ward in the evening.
20th: Having received a phone call from Stake Representative W. J. Nix on the evening of the 19th, I went to Blanding today to attend a meeting of the Stake Genealogical Committee, which consists of W. J. Nix, chairman, Kumen Jones, Herbert H. Redd, Evelyn Bayles, and Lena Nix. Our meeting was taken up with selecting workers for Blanding Ward: Peter Allen, Chairman; Thomas A. Jones, Dee Bayles, Sister Petterson, and Mamie L. Adams, and in outlining our work for the starting up of the Genealogical work in all the Wards of the Stake. Also talked over Ward matters with Peter Allen.
21st: Had a good visit and talk with Pres. L. H. Redd and L. B. Redd in the bank over business matters in the forenoon, coming home on the stage at noon, worked on the Tithing cellar in the afternoon, having received instructions from the Presiding Bishop's Office to take the cellar down.
22nd: Wrote to the Deseret National Bank and State Land Board and others in the forenoon; worked on Tithing cellar in the afternoon. I am occupied an hour each morning and evening with chores.
23rd: With several others, placed a large log against the Ward meeting house to keep the west end wall from falling. Worked taking the roof from the Tithing cellar in the afternoon.
24th: Looks stormy all day, but no storm, worked around home this forenoon; hauled sand and worked fixing up the meeting house this afternoon. Attended a school party in the evening. The four younger boys Leland, Marion, Alma and Francis, and Mamie and baby came from Blanding to spend the holidays with us.
25th: Christmas. Worked about home, and rote several letters, one to my brother Lehi and the folks at Cedar City; had a nice Christmas dinner at 2 p.m.
26th: Attended Sabbath School at 10:30 a. m. Helped clean out and arrange the Ward Meeting House for holding Sunday services in. Attended Sacrament Meeting in the evening at 7 p. m., where a nice program was rendered. Called on sick people after meeting. In
company with Elder J. Elmer Decker laid hands on Sister Elsie Decker, blessing her for her health.
December 27th 1920: Worked around home, fencing hay in "Hunt" lot, and worked on the Tithing cellar in the afternoon; the thermometer was 10 degrees above zero.
28th: Worked on the lumber rack, and chored at home.
29th: Chopped wood in the forenoon; worked on the rack in the afternoon. Called out to administer to Sister Elsie Decker in the evening; also, assisted in administering to a baby of Bro. and Sister Ozro Hunt, which has whooping cough.
30th: Worked on the ranch and cleaning up around home.
31st: Assisted in making up the Cottonwood Ditch a/c for the year 1920, our outfit coming out $1.87 ahead as follows: credit 32 1/4 days work @ $3.50 per day--$11.87, debit 20 acres @ $5.55--$111.00. Also had a credit of $40.75 on river ditch. Began working on my Tithing Reports for 1920 in the evening.
January 1st: Saturday. Thermometer 10 above zero last night. The boys all returned to Blanding to be ready for school on Monday morning; Mamie stayed with Baby Elaine who is not feeling well; she has what may develop into whooping cough, but is feeling better tonight. I put in time on reports not occupied with chores; today was invited again to administer to Sister Elsie Decker; she is a dear good soul with strong faith. Was telling us tonight how the neuralgia pains left her suddenly upon our administering to her the other evening, and had not returned.
2nd: Attended Sabbath School; very few in attendance and on account of so much sickness in town there was no meeting held in the afternoon.
3rd: Worked on reports, and visited most all families in the Ward in the evening, notifying them of the closing of the Tithing books for 1920. "Aunt" Mary went to Blanding with mail to look after school boys; all the sick are reported better this evening.
4th: Worked on reports all day, making fairly good headway, also finished calling on delinquents.
5th: Reports, reports, reports.
6th: Still reports. Cloudy and threatening all day, but no storm here.
7th: Work on Tithing Reports continued.
8th: Continued work on reports until about 2:30 p. m. Witnessed a basketball game between the Blanding High School boys and the Bluff boys; at the close of the game the tally stood 16 to 6 in favor of Bluff. A game of baseball was played by the same parties in the evening; result 8 to 7 in favor of the Bluff boys, all of which was a surprise to both sides, as the Blanding High School boys had been winning from other towns.
January 9th 1921: Sunday. Attended Sabbath School at 10:30 a.m. and Sacrament Meeting at 2 p.m. Good, quiet, interesting services at each.
10th: Wrote letters in the morning early and went up to Blanding, getting in before night, with team; found quite a lot of sickness, but my folks were quite well.
11th: Stayed about home, and visited sick; worked with Bro. Peter Allan looking over my Annual Bishops Reports.
12th: Worked copying and correcting reports.
13th: Went up to our ranch at "Park" and butchered a beef, selling most of it to the boys who run the Nielson saw mill.
14th: Worked about home with folks, we having rented 2 rooms from the H. Bayles Family so that our three boys, Marion, Alma, and Francis, could be cared for while attending high school at Blanding. Watched Bluff boys and Blanding High School boys play baseball in the afternoon.
15th: At home.
16th: Attended Priesthood meeting at 9 a.m., Sabbath School at 10:25 and Sacrament Meeting at 2 p.m., where the subject of Genealogy, and Salvation for the Dead was given the right of way, a program having been arranged for the occasion. Attended "Mutual" meeting in the evening at 7 p.m. Enjoying all gatherings of the day.
17th: Had a settlement with Bro. John Black the Miller, having quite a long account; made preparation for returning home to Bluff.
18th: Stormy, so I did not bring team as I intended, but came down with "Stage" auto; found some sickness, infant child of Bro. and Sister Uriah Butts quite bad off with Whooping Cough, having several convulsions. We administered to the child and it appeared to be some better.
January 19th, 1921: Wrote letters, and killed a nice hog. "Aunt" Mary came down from Blanding with Bro. W. A. Nielson, she having become worried over the sickness down here.
20th: Worked with pork, taking some out of brine, and cutting up the pig killed yesterday; visited as Ward Teacher in the evening.
21st: Worked around home, and in the evening finished visiting families of the Ward. Was called in to administer to Sister Elsie Decker who is about to be confined and is suffered from smothering spells.
January 22nd 1921: Tied up at home with a very severe cold.
23rd: Felt some better today; attended Sabbath School and Sacrament Meeting; at each one of the services there were exercises on the special fast day to raise funds for starving children in the European countries and for the interest of the Mutual Slogan "The non-use and non-sale of Tobacco."
24th: Way "Layed" up with the "grip" or something of that sort. Baby Elaine was very dumpish and quite miserable.
25th Chored around home; still feeling indisposed.
26th: The baby was no better, and my cold hangs on.
27th: Mamie and baby Elaine went to Blanding with the mail auto today so as to get better help and medicine for baby. My cold showed a little sign of improvement, but still far short of being well.
28th: Confined to home with my bad cold.
29th: Not having heard from Blanding sick folks, went up on mail car with Ozro Hunt: found Baby Elaine quite sick; called Bishop W. H. Redd in and we administered to her, and towards evening she seemed to take a change for the better. Did some business in blanding where I remained for the night.
30th: Baby still some better. Returned home with Pres. L. H. Redd; George A. Adams and Bishop w. H. Redd, being driven down by Joseph W. Nielson in their big car. Attended Sabbath School and meeting in the afternoon, where the Stake Presidency released me as Bishop, and called and set apart John L. Hunt as Presiding Elder over the Bluff Branch of the Blanding Ward. Had a very excellent meeting, where splendid instructions were given. I visited with John Hunt and family in the evening.
January 31st, 1921: Remained at home choring around until evening, when I went up to Blanding with the Perkins Bros. (George and H. Cory.) Found Baby Elaine not doing as well as would like.
Feb 1: Remained at Blanding with our little sick baby. Attended the funeral services of the Blanding Ward held for the infant child of Brother and Sister McCallister of that Ward. Was called to
speak, with Elders D. J. Rogers, Ezekiel Johnson, Pres. L. H. Redd, and Bishop W. H. Redd. The services were of a kind, humble, sympathetic nature, singing beautiful. I also went with the few out to the cemetery, where dedicatory services were held; it being late and cold not many went.
2nd: Remained at Blanding, chopping a few cedar posts, etc., preparing to return home. Baby better.
3rd: Returned home arriving about sunset, quite a chilly ride. Was called in to assist in administering to the child of Bro. and Sister Oliphant, which showed signs of having an attack of Bronchial Pneumonia.
February 4th 1921: Worked around home; attended to some correspondence, etc., feeling better than for some weeks past.
5th: Stormy; wrote letters, and worked around home.
6th: Fast day: had several Stake Sunday School Officers from Blanding and Monticello with us holding conference; had meeting in the forenoon, afternoon and evening: All the exercises and speaking very good.
7th: Attended to chores, etc., in the forenoon, which consists in feeding horses, pigs, chickens, and milking cows, also feeling about 50 head, mostly calves, out in the "Hunt lots." Having received a card from the folks at Blanding, stating that our baby Elaine was not doing well I went up in the evening on Mr. A. L. Raplee's pony; reached Blanding at 8 p.m. very tired, finding baby some better.
8th: Stayed around with folks all day: attended a surprise party in the evening held in honor of Sister Annetta Johnson. Baby not any better much.
9th: Baby some better this morning; came down home to Bluff with the stage this afternoon.
10th: Worked at home.
11th: Around home until evening; went up to Blanding with F. A. Nielson; found baby very sick; stayed with folks until 12th 10:30 a.m., came to Bluff with Ozro Hunt, got in about 11:45 a.m. Returned to Blanding on 12th with mail car, stayed with the folks doing all that we could for our dear baby Elaine until Tuesday, 17th at 11:30 a.m. when her sweet spirit left her mortal body and returned to Our Father in Heaven from whence it came.
At 3 p.m. Friday, February 18, services were held in the large hall in the Ward Meeting House (Blanding.) At about 4:30 short dedicatory services were held at the grave and the casket
holding the body was placed in the grave, there to rest till the morning of the resurrection when it will be called up, and with its spirit pass on to its glorious reward.
During the last 26 days I have passed thru one of the severest trials of my life. for some reason, which I am unable to explain, I had become so attached to the sweet, bright- good-natured little child, together with the circumstances attending the case. Mamie L. Adams is our only daughter, and the Father, Melvin J. Adams, is out in Texas as a missionary. We have not had a baby in our own home for about 15 years, and the child had arrived at the most interesting stage of child life. Our whole family were enjoying life with her playing her baby part so well. Of course our heartfelt sympathies went out to the young mother and missionary father, which added to the sadness of the trial, but thru it all I say, O Father "thy will be done."
On the 19th and 20th I attended the Quarterly Conference of the San Juan Stake held at Blanding, which I enjoyed to the fullest all the way thru, returning home (Bluff) this evening, 20th, with John L. Hunt and family.
February 21st, 1921: At home attending to correspondence, choring, etc.
22nd: Attended to meat that has been in brine sometime, and also did some writing; am feeding about 50 calves, and also about 10 horses, pigs, chickens, milking 2 cows, besides "batching it."
23rd: Hauled a load of chopped wood, and chored, etc.
24th: Attended to chores, etc.
25th: Besides attending the stock, etc., went up to the Harshberger field to let the water out of the reservoir as it was starting to run over the dam.
26th: Also went up to attend the water in Harshberger field.
27th: Attended Sabbath School and Sacrament meeting; also visited four families with Bro. Harold Butt, as Teachers, besides attended stock, etc.
28th: Worked around home, preparing to commence ditch work, also did some work on a smoke house.
March 1st, 1921: Worked on Cottonwood ditch with team, also hired James M. Hayes to work single hand on the ditch.
Mar. 2nd: Worked on the ditch with the team and Mr. Hayes; by the time stock are attended to and chores done it takes about 12 hours work.
3rd: Worked on the ditch until noon, preparing ditches, etc., for irrigation, afternoon.
4th: Worked on Cottonwood ditch with team forenoon; irrigated and plowed and cleaned ditches this afternoon.
5th: Worked on the ditch 1/2 day; did some irrigating, etc., this afternoon.
6th: Fasted; attended Sabbath School and Testimony meeting; was pleased with the good meeting, went with "Aunt" Mary and took dinner with "Aunt" Julia Butt, at 4 p.m., which we naturally enjoyed very much.
March 7th 1921: Stormy in the forenoon, worked about home.
8th: Irrigating and working on private ditches in the forenoon; went up to Blanding with stage in the afternoon.
9th: Stayed at Blanding, settling accounts, making out Income Tax report, also looked over a house and lot belonging to Baily Lake that is for sale.
10th: Drove team with load of flour, bran and wheat, down to Bluff; got home about 5 p.m.
11th: Fixing up fences, etc., forenoon; killed hog, afternoon.
12th: Worked with pork, forenoon; preparing for irrigating, afternoon.
13th: Attended Sunday School and meeting; also attended meeting in the evening for the purpose of working up public sentiment in regard to making some improvement in our social gatherings, etc., took water in the evening.
14th: Put in about 12 hours irrigating; tired and then some.
15th: Worked on the ditch some in forenoon; irrigating, afternoon.
16th: Worked on private ditches, fixed fence, and irrigated.
17th: Fixing up smoke house for curing meat; finished irrigating the "Hunt Lots."
18th: Irrigating and fixing up fence for Sister A. M. Decker on two lots joining on our lots, also worked on private ditch on the Hancock lots; went up to Blanding in the evening, made a bargain with Bro. H. Bayles for the Bailey Lake House and Lots for $2000.00, to give note; came back down home in the middle of the night.
19th: Finished up the smoke house and began smoking meat.
20th: Attended Sabbath School and meeting, had an enjoyable time. Bros. Jos. B. Harris, Francis, Aunt Leona, and Floyd Nielson and wife came down from Blanding as home missionaries. Attended a water meeting in the evening; appointed overseers to regulate water turns on lots, also hose water.
21st: Smoking meat, fixing fence, gathering up cattle, etc.
22nd: Finished smoking meat, and feeding and gathering up the calves up in "Harshberger Place."
23rd: Worked on Harshberger fence.
March 24th 1921: Worked and chored around home.
25th: Hauled hay up to stock in "Harshberger Place."
26th: Attended to feeding stock, went up Cottonwood after one of my "Milk Pen" Heifers with a small calf, which was very poor, brought her home.
27th: Attended Sabbath School and Meeting; had an interesting time as Bishop W. H. Redd and wife, Elder E. P. Lyman and family were here as Home Missionaries from the Blanding Ward.
March 28th, 1921: Drove the Hereford Calves up toward Blanding to meet my sons Alma and Francis, who drove the calves on up to Blanding and I returned home.
29th and 30th: Fixing ditches and irrigated lucern lots.
31st: Very cold night (26 degrees "above".) Went to Blanding with V. A. Nielson in his car. Attended to several matters of business, returned home in the evening. Attended to transferring the ward books and records over to Presiding Elder John L. Hunt; Stake Clerk Peter Allan having come down for that purpose.
April 1st: Spent the forenoon in finishing the transfer of books and accounts of the Bishop's Office over to Presiding Elder J. L. Hunt, and assisted in making up quarterly report to the P.B. Office. Rounded up cattle, and irrigating this afternoon.
2nd: Irrigating in the forenoon, putting in culvert in afternoon.
3rd: Fasted. Attended Sabbath School this forenoon; Sacrament this afternoon; blessed and named Sister Elsie Decker's baby boy in the evening, named him Jesse Elmer. Assisted in and took charge of a cottage meeting held at Sister Arness Pehrson's home, with Bro. R. E. Powell and family, Sister Myrtle Hunt and children.
4th: Very windy, hung around fixing up tools, etc.
5th: Fixing fence and preparing to irrigate land in "upper field."
6th: Hunting calves, and gathering up cattle that had got out of pasture.
7th: Finished gathering cattle in the forenoon; watering upper field this afternoon.
8th: Attended water, and went to Blanding with team.
9th: Went over to Long Canyon looking after Leland and moved part of the Hereford cattle into another field; came back to Blanding in the evening. Cousin Arthur Jones from Cedar came from Salt Lake with returning conference people on a visit.
Sunday, April 10th, 1921: Attended Priesthood meeting 8:30; Sabbath School at 10 a.m., Sacrament Meeting at 2 p.m. and Mutual at 7:30.
11th: Returned to Bluff with part of a load of flour, etc.
12th: Fixing wagon, rack, etc., preparing to go to Blanding, fixing fence in evening.
13th: Fixing up wagons, worked some on fence.
14th: Very windy and blustry; stayed around home, working some on wagons, also worked with Doyle Blacksmith.
15th: Working on wagon this forenoon; fixing fence this afternoon. Daughter Mamie came down from Blanding with mail to stay for some time.
16th: "Aunt" Mary returned to Blanding with the mail auto. I worked on wagons, etc., did some repairing on fences.
17th: Attended Sabbath School and meeting, and resting and studying the balance of the day.
18th: Worked with team leveling lot, preparing it for planting corn, also worked some on low wheel truck, first really warm day of spring.
19th: Irrigating in Harshberger field; also under Cottonwood ditch in three places.
20th: Continued watering putting in about 16 hours; was about laid up with a lame back in the evening.
21st: Still handicapped with a lame back, worked around home some.
22nd: Working on fences all day.
23rd: Very windy; worked on Adams lot, while Alma was plowing it preparing to plant it to corn.
24th: Attended Sabbath School and Sacrament meeting; had a nice rain which was very badly needed; seemed to be quite general and did lots of good.
25th: Worked around home.
26th: Irrigating some and working on a truck.
27th and 28th: Finished truck, also good rack, double trees, etc.
29th: Went up to Blanding by request of Pres. L. H. Redd, who wished me to accompany he and Bishop H. Bayles over to La Sal on church matters, also on business.
April 30th 1921: Waited for mail from Church Authorities giving instructions as to reorganizing the La Sal Ward. Did not receive the looked for mail, so that our program was changed.
May 1st: Fast Day; attended Priesthood meeting at 9 a.m.; Sabbath School at 10:30, and Sacrament meeting at 2 p.m. and Mutual at 7:30.
May 2nd: Drove team down to Bluff with a load of lumber and wheat.
May 3rd: Shoeing horses and preparing to haul a load of lumber down to "Mexican Hat."
4th: Went over as far as Lime Ridge with the load, in company with Mr. A. L. Paylee and Ed Doyle.
5th: Continued on with the load; arrived at destination at 12 noon. After unloading and lunching started back for home, expecting to camp at "Navajo" Springs, but weather looked very threatening for storm; came on in home. My 65th Birthday.
6th: At the request of Pres. L. H. Redd I am preparing to go out as far as La Sal with him. Went to Blanding with stage which was late. Stayed at Blanding until the evening of the 7th, when we went over to Monticello, where we arrived late in the evening. I stayed at Bro. and Sister F. I. Jones, each of them getting feeble in health.
8th: Sunday. Went over to La Sal, where we arrived at 10 a.m., Presidents L. H. Redd, A. R. Lyman, Bishop H. Bayles, Stake Clerk Peter Allan, L. Hardy Redd and myself: Attended Ward Priesthood meeting at 10:30; Sunday School at 12 noon; Sacrament meeting at 2 p.m. and Mutual at 7:30, all of which were well attended. On account of the death of Clyd Hammond while in Salt Lake City as a member of the Legislature from Grand County, who was also Bishop of Moab Ward, his brother Dilworth, Bishop of La Sal Ward, asked to be released so that he may remove to Moab in order to look after the business interest left in an unsettled condition by the death of his brother. Bishop Hammond was released and Elder Alexander Jamison was selected to take his place as Bishop of the La Sal Ward, who was sustained unanimously by all present at the Sacrament Meeting.
9th: Attended an informal meeting of the shareholders of the La Sal Live Stock and Store Co., the financial condition of said company being strained to the limit on account of the money market and the serious drop in price of stock and produce. Came back as far as Monticello late in the evening.
May 10th, 1921: Came over from Monticello to Blanding with stage.
May 11th 1921: Aunt Mary and Mamie and I came down home with Bro. H. C. Perkins in his auto.
12th: My son Marion and I put in corn in the Adams lot and loaded lumber, shod horses, etc., preparing to take a load down to the "Oil Fields," where I made a start on the morning of the 13th, returning in the evening of the 14th very tired.
May 15th, 1921: Sunday. On account of my folks being sick and others being away from town, including Presiding Elder John L. Hunt, there were no meetings held; stayed home attended to the sick, reading, etc.
16th: Went up to Blanding with a team, got there about 4 p.m.
17th: Chopped some good cedar posts for fencing the Lake lots, and attended to matters of business.
18th: Loaded up with lumber, bran, etc., and came to Bluff; had a high awkward load, from which I had one fall, but was not hurt seriously; got home at 6:30 p.m.
19th: Rearranged the load of lumber; worked around home.
20th: Went down to the Redwood Camp in Oil Fields with my load; came back on the 21st, had a successful trip.
22nd: Sunday. Prepared for Sunday School and meeting, but for some cause there was no school and there were so few came out for
meeting in the afternoon and no one to play the organ and lead in singing no meeting was held; the conditions in Bluff seem to have become a little serious.
23rd: My son Marion and I went up on River canal to turn water in; fixed break in canal turning in a small stream, and brot home a load of chopped wood; went up and turned some water out of the Harshberger Reservoir in the evening, as it was getting up to the danger mark.
24th: Marion and myself returned to the head of River canal, it having been broken again, washed around the break we fixed yesterday; worked until about 4 p.m. scraping. Brot down another load of chopped wood.
25th: Fixed up mower and cut hay in lots this forenoon; went up to Blanding in the afternoon with Edson Black.
May 26th 1921: Did some work at the Lake place, and attended to some business matters.
27th: Puttered around, not accomplishing much of anything on account of not being able to get lumber or lath to finish up part of the Lake house in order that we may live in it.
May 28th 1921: After breakfast I was sent for by Pres. L. H. Redd, who sent word for me to select a few men and go to Bluff, word having been received from Bluff that in an attempt to place two young Utes under arrest for depredations committed by them, very serious trouble had been brot about, one Ute boy ("Dutchy") had been more or less seriously wounded, and one had escaped across the river, after much shooting had occurred; fortunately none of our boys had been harmed. Our party arrived about midday amidst considerable excitement; The wounded boy was hurried off to Blanding for medical care; the doctor decided that the wounds were not necessarily fatal.
29th: Sunday; nervous excitement was the prevailing attitude of the people, excitable reports being received from different directions.
30th: Still much excitement over the Indian trouble. A large party of Indians was encountered by H. Cory Perkins and nephew in Cottonwood Canyon while on the way to Elk Mts. and one of the Ute boys ("J. Bishops" boy), handled Bro. Perkins very rough, cocking his gun and pushing it into his stomach, etc.
31st: This evening word was phoned down from Blanding that our leading men and the Indians had come together in council and a decision for peace had been made; the Indians on their part agreeing to bring the escaped boy for trial ("Jo Bishop's" youngest boy, about 21 years old.)
June 1st, 1921: Came back to Blanding.
Put in time between June 2nd and 17th putting up hay at Bluff and working on the Lake place at Blanding; also hauled one more load of lumber to the Oil Fields.
June 18th, 1921: Attended Stake conference at Blanding, among the visitors from Salt Lake were Apostle R. R. Lyman and Dr. George W. Middleton, also before conference was over Governor Charles R. Mabey and party arrived, several of whom spoke at the Sunday afternoon and evening sessions, 19th.
20th: Had the good fortune of being invited to accompany the Governor, Apostle Lyman and party out to the Natural Bridges, which I enjoyed to the fullest; think all together there were 42 in the party; were 5 days making the trip, and with the splendid lectures, anecdotes, singing and splendid good cheer, it will always be remembered as a green spot in a lifetime.
June 26th: Went down to Bluff with the Salt Lake visitors. Held meeting in the evening with the Bluff people, where Governor Mabey spoke, subject stressed at meeting was in regard to the Indian trouble of recent date.
The foregoing pages showing six months activities of my life at Bluff, being a fairly good sample of the 40 years of my sojourne at Bluff from April 6, 1990 to June 26, 1921. A short time after the last named date I moved up to Blanding.
Visit to our old home at Cedar City and Vicinity.
Sept. 25th, 1925: Left home (Blanding) Sept. 25, 1925, made Price, Utah, the first day; weather beautiful, roads a little rough from heavy rains of a week before. Our party consisted of my wife, Mary N.; daughter Mamie, and her daughter Doris; Rachel C. Perkins, Leonard, and his children Curtis, 3 and baby Ruth 1; Marice Perkins, and myself.
Sept. 26, 1925: Parting with Rachel Perkins and Leonard's two children and Marice Perkins at Price, Utah, who all went by R.R. to Salt Lake, the balance of us went with Leonard's car down thru Castle Valley, Emery Stake, on the Salina Emery road thru Salina, up Sevier Valley and spent the night at Joseph City with a family named Ross, as there was sickness in the family that usually cared for the traveling people. We fared very nicely, and were impressed all during the day with the apparent prosperous conditions on every hand, more especially thru Sevier Valley.
27th: After leaving Joseph about four miles called on Bro. John Tanner and families near the mouth of Clear Creek Canyon, which we went up and came in to the main highway at Cove Fort; arrived at Cedar about four in the evening; it being Sunday were a little
surprised to see the paving of main street proceeding at full blast, in fact, haying and other work was going on all thru the settlements we passed today.
28th: Visited around with our folks the fore part of the day, and went up Cedar Canyon, to the Cedar Breaks in the afternoon, and altho I had seen the "Breaks" in my younger days, more or less from a distance to look at the view from the point where the railroad people have selected for a hotel and camping ground, a full view of the wonderful amphitheater is to be seen with its domes, castles, peaks, steeples, ships, monuments, together with the color effects and backgrounds of cliffs, forests, etc., leaves an indelible impression of something unique that may not be well described to one not having seen it.
Oct. 1: Went with three car loads of our relatives down to Zion Canyon, Elder Brother Lehi W., wife and daughter Ann; brother Thomas J. and Brother Uriah T. and wife and son Emeron, and daughter Zelma and several small children were in the party. Starting at about 7:30 a.m. passed thru Hamilton's Fort 5 miles, Kanarra 12, Belvue 22, Anderson 26, Toquer 31, Laverkin 38, Rockville 45, Springdale 52, Zion's National Park camping ground 60. Weather was ideal, and what with fruit, melons and sight-seeing and lovely opportunity of visiting with our relatives, every moment of the day was a real joyful outing. Zion's Canyon is a wonder, and the nice cozy little settlements nestled in the alcoves of the huge canyon added to the charm and grandeur of it all. Upon our return we took a side trip out to the town of Hurricane and was agreeably surprised to see such an important town where thrift and prosperity were in evidence on every hand; all brot about by long, grinding, hard work. After leaving Toquerville on the return our chauffers gave evidence of their home-loving instinct and put an order in with the right feet for a little more gas. Tonight we join our Dixie friends in a feeling of gratitude that that nice hard surfaced road has replaced "the rocks and sand of Dixieland."
Oct. 2, 1925: Visited around with old friends. I went out with Brother Lehi W. to high "Eight Mile Springs" property and in the evening met a number of our relatives and their friends at the new home of our niece Ann Gardener, Lehi W.'s daughter, a delightful informal visit.
Oct. 3rd: Again rode out with three cars to Iron Springs and vicinity, where the iron ore is being mined and shipped to Ironton near Springville, Utah, where it is being smelted and made into iron by a big company of mostly Californians. We also detoured over to the town of Enoch and met John and Sylvester Jones, older brothers of our Bishop F. I. Jones of Monticello, Utah.
4th: Called on several of our old acquaintances of Cedar, some who were not able to get around, Edward Parry and wife, Andrew Cory and wife, David Hunter and family; Dave, poor fellow, being laid up with
5th: Started out early for Salt Lake, having a little car trouble at Corn Creek, deing detained, did not get farther than Provo.
6th: Arrived at City at 1 a.m.; attended General Conference in forenoon and afternoon.
7th: Attended conference; also 8th. 9th attended to business matters. Left for home on 11th, where we arrived on 12th, having a very enjoyable trip and visit all the way thru, more satisfied all the time we jog along thru life, as well as more thankful for the people, the locations, the times, among whom, where and when we have had our turn in this mortal journey thru this beautiful world, for all I humbly thank the Lord.
Some notes on a trip over old trails with Assistant Church Historian Andrew Jenson.
May 12, 1930: Left home, Blanding, between 8 and 9 a.m. with the following pilgrims: A. Jensen, W. R. Redd, Nephi L. Norris and son Richard, Dr. Lund (a son of the late A. H. Lund of the Church Presidency,) Francis W. Jones (my youngest son;) the horses and light buggy had left a day earlier, with Ara Shumway and "Mike" Boy. Our party had two autos and a 1 1/2 ton truck. Our course was nearly west by Ute farms on Cottonwood, over Elk Mts. on the Natural Bridges road, arriving at Edwin Bridge shortly after noon, 43 miles, left our autos, loaded all in to truck, traveled nearly south to Clay Hill, 30 miles, in evening.
May 13th 1930: Next morning, 13th, started out, Jenson, Jones in buggy one pr horses, 7 men on saddles, 4 packs, and one extra horse, making 14 horses, rode over Clay Hill (rocky, steep places, crooked, raise about 1000 feet in less than two miles (find good water over a hill 4 miles from camp.) also find water seeps in several places down the wash; leave Castle Wash traveling nearly west over broken, rocky, sandy, country, 10 miles, to old lake bed, making 22 miles today; find good grass and water for camp.
14th: Leave old lake bed camp, travel in southwestern direction 6 miles to Slick Rocks 1 mile very difficult, twisting climb, where we left the buggy, Jenson and Jones taking saddle horses, leading horse most of the way to the top of Gray Mesa; over the mesa 6 miles still southwest to Cheese camp for dinner, south to shoot the Chute, and to the head of Cottonwood Canyon, 5 miles, west down canyon to Colorado River, very rough in places, 5 miles, making 23 miles today, good grass and water.
May 15th, 1930: After having a good nights rest, used kodaks this morning; retraced yesterday's ride, hitching on to buggy, and camped at Lake bed.
May 16th, 1930: Back over Castle Wash, Clay Hill, and made a dry camp in Cow Tank Valley, 15 miles north of Clay Hill; good feed.
17th: Came up to Edwin Bridge, made camp while most of the men rode ponies around to the bridges, etc., in White Canyon. All of the men got into the cars and truck and struck out for Blanding, arriving there about sunset, all but Ara and Mike, who stayed with the pack outfit, arriving the 18th. The road for about 8 miles before we got to Edwin Bridge this morning was exceeding rough, with thick timber; needs one month's work with man and team to make it reasonable to pass over with any kind of car or wagon. The object in view for undertaking this more or less difficult journey, was to get authentic data by the Assistant Church Historian, Andrew Jenson, with regard to distance, character of country, etc., down on Church records. Some time in the future it will be sought after in getting at the "beginnings" of San Juan County history.
May 18: Sunday morning with Bro. Jenson, Mary N. Jones, my son Marion and myself in our car, Nephi L. Morris and son and Dr. Lund in another car, started back over the general course traversed by Silas S. Smith and scouting party in the spring of 1879 seeking for a favorable location for a settlement among Indian tribes living in the vicinity of the four corners of Utah, Colorado, Arizona, and New Mexico join. Traveled south 25 miles to Bluff--(first settlement in San Juan, located April 6, 1880,) thence in a westerly direction to the bridge across the San Juan River near Mexican Hat, 34 miles; then 40 miles south-easterly to Kayenta, Arizona, where we joined on to the Silas S. Smith party road. After resting a short time, resumed the journey to Tuba City, 75 miles in southwesterly direction; road from Bluff rough in places; made 170 miles.
May 19, 1930: After Historian Jenson gathered notes of early settlement of Tuba City, went down 2 miles to Moencopy and picked up interesting early history of this Indian settlement where there is now an Indian school with two teachers, a white man and his wife. Everything about this old Indian settlement appears neat and thrifty. About 9 o'clock took the road in a northwesterly course towards the Lee's Ferry Bridge which had been recently built by our government and the state of Arizona; arrived about noon, road rather rough and crooked, distance 75 miles; ate lunch and came on to Kanab, still taking a northwesterly direction, distance about 90 miles; camped over night; quite an interesting town, with a checkered history.
May 20: Came over to Cedar City via Zion Canyon thru the wonderful new tunnel blasted thru the side of a high cliff, with windows or openings cut out to the side of the cliff, affording thrills for the tourist and novelty to everyone.
December 17, 1930: Left home, Blanding, Utah, in company with Bp. H. D. Bayles, Sister Annie Perkins, Edward P. Lyman, and Caroline Bayles (Bp. Bayles' oldest daughter;) arrived at Salt Lake about 8 p.m., pleasant weather, no trouble on way.
Dec. 18: Attended funeral services held in funeral chapel in honor of Sister Ann Bayles, formerly of Parowan, Utah, from here she went to Bluff, Utah, to care for the family of Hanson Bayles, whose wife had died, leaving four small children--three girls, Anna Perkins, Emma and Carlie, and one son, now Bishop H. D. Bayles of Blanding. Speakers at the funeral were Alfred Durham of Salt Lake, Sister H. L. Adams of Parowan, K. Jones of Blanding, and Bishop _______ of the ________ ward; the singing (the best I ever heard) by the Durham Brothers and Sister Adams.
December 19, 20, 21, 22, 1930: Remained at Salt Lake visiting with my friends and relatives, and attending to matters of business, etc., and waiting to hear from Aunt Mary (my wife) and Leonard my son, who had gone out to obtain treatment at California Clinic for cancer.
23rd: Came here to San Francisco on a U.P. Train, arriving here on the 23rd about 11 a.m.; about 26 hours on the way. Located Aunt Mary, Leonard and Francis at 1600 Fell St. in apartment #9, quite comfortable--hallway, small kitchen, fair-sized bedroom, bathroom, 3 closets for clothes, etc., hot and cold water in the kitchen and bathroom, light in all rooms, heat in the bedroom. Francis took the train for home this evening.
24th: Spent the day "seeing San Francisco" with folks in car, also on foot; had forgotten most all I learned about sixteen years earlier on a former visit to the World's Fair (1915.)
December 25th 1930: Spent the day reading, writing and resting, and reading an address of Apostle Melvin J. Ballard a day or two earlier, on the lives and mission of our Redeemer, and our Prophet, Joseph Smith. I have spoken about Bro. Ballard's sermon to my folks and other friends as the best I ever heard; not a flaw in delivery or the subject matter. I certainly hope it is preserved in phonograph records and may be heard by people of the world.
Jan. 29, 1931: Between 4 and 5 o'clock a.m., while feeling very depressed and unable to sleep, I arose from my bed and prayed very earnestly with a sincere desire that Our Heavenly Father would send His Spirit even the Comforter to us in our condition, in an apartment temporary home a long distance from our family and friends, with Aunt Mary (my wife) 72 years of age, and Leonard, our son, 41, both taking the new treatment for cancer (discovered by doctors Coffee and Humber, prosecuting research work while in the employ of the Union Pacific Railroad Co. in a large well equipped
hospital built by said company. Both R.R. Co. and these doctors will each be honored and rated as world benefactors.)
After retiring to bed, feeling weary, soon fell into a half sleep, or what we would call a doze. My deceased wife, Lydia May, came and visited me, and standing a short space behind my wife was our daughter, Mamie, in appearance, and dressed as she is accustomed to dress, but my wife I am sure was permitted to visit me in our condition and show us just what reward awaits those who win their way back into the Celestial Kingdom thru their integrity and faithfulness in this mortal probation. There was a transparency and sweetness and purity in her face, a calm heavenly expression in her eyes altogether presenting a picture that is impossible for me to describe. Her clothing harmonized with her features and form, not flashy, but the texture and brilliancy symbolizing purity. The feeling of peace and the reality of this visitation upon my coming out of the half sleep left no doubt in my mind but I had been visited by my dearly beloved companion from the world of spirits, but was as she will appear in her resurrected body. An experience one in this mortal existence may see and feel but may not fully describe. This experience was so new and striking that it will take some time before the significance and beauty and importance of this vision will be fully appreciated.
Kumen Jones
Jan. 31st, 1931: Spent the month in sightseeing, writing a little; attended about all the L.D.S. Sabbath meetings, Sunday Schools, also Quarterly Conference of the San Francisco Stake, Saturday and Sunday, 22nd and 23rd, at Oakland. Apostle Ballard was in attendance. All meetings were attended to the limit of the meeting houses; just an off hand guess, I would say that the L.D.S. Church has a rather high class membership, take them as a whole in the San Francisco Ward, also in this stake of the same name.
Californians figure on getting by the Keeper of the "Golden Gates" with one commandment, about as follows: "Thou shalt love and sing the praises of thy own California, in season and out of season, first, last and all the time, "for on these things hang all the law and the profits," and it all happens in such a matter of fact way and everyone is so good-natured about it all, that a fellow just can't take offense but just kind of enjoy it all with them.
Have visited the new zoo just started two or three years ago, with a few animals, birds, etc. Have gone over the old cemeteries near the Golden Gate Park, and they all show signs of an upheaval that has left them in tumbledown shape, many of the headstones are broken and shaken out of shape, and many of the
graves have been opened and bodies or what was left of them, removed. They tell me that it is the intention to finish removing the bodies and improve the grounds for city parks, etc.
Have spent considerable time in the Golden Park, upon which has been expended millions of dollars on museums, golf and tennis grounds, paved roads, animal reserves, bird refugees, etc., etc. I spent several days in the art and relics buildings; there is such a wide range of curios, relics of all kinds from many nations; fisheries where all sizes, shapes, and colors are shown, a great variety of the works of the taxidermist is to be seen; a great variety of works of art, lovely paintings, statuary, etc., etc. A great display of war material and momentoes, Indian relics, and handiwork from Mexico, Central and South America, China, Japan, England and almost all of her colonies, also from Italy, statues of many of the great characters of Rome, Greece, America, kingly trappings, furniture, etc., that must have cost an immense lot of money. One could keep on writing and describing the wonders of relics, momentoes and handiwork or ancient and modern handiwork, but after all one has to see to appreciate the stuff that has been thoughtfully obtained for the amusement, information and delight of all who are interested in the story and doings of man; handiwork of the Indians from many different lands, and considering all countries represented by this wonderful display in such a wide range, and the enormous cost in the aggregate shows the public spirit of some Californians to be extremely commendable, and a World's Wonder from an educational standpoint.
February 15th, 1931: Visited the cemetery being used at present, and one that has been used for several years, having left off using the 4 different burying grounds at and near the "Golden Gate Park," where different nationalities used separate burying grounds, Irish, Scotch, Catholics, Americans, etc. The new burying grounds located at "Argossy Lawn" presents a notable contrast to the older ones, which have been abondoned and are in bad shape, especially where there was only head stones up, but there were many private buildings and expensive monuments erected at what must have been an enormous expense, which still stand as solid as ever but the grounds are almost overgrown with different trees and shrubs, left untrimmed, or have almost hidden the monuments. On the other hand the new burying grounds present a paradise of beauty and painstaking care and expense.
Feb. 20th 1931: 8 a.m. took train for Los Angeles on my way home; arrived 11:30 p.m.
21st: Left Los Angeles at 11 a.m., arriving at Phoenix about midnight.
22nd: Sunday. Took bus for Mesa at 9 a.m., arriving at 10:20; attended Sunday School, also Sacrament Meeting at 2 p.m. both
services being well attended, with an excellent influence present.
23rd: Visited the Temple grounds, which were at its best; lawns, flowers, shrubbery beautifully flowered out and green. Also called on Bro. John R. Young and other friends. Took bus for Phoenix, and then train for Gallup, New Mexico; arrived at 11:20 a.m. on the 24th. Took stage for Shiprock and Cortez, arrived 4 p.m.
Feb. 25th, 1931: Came home with Wyle Redd and Joseph Hunt in a truck; enjoyed 2 months and 9 days outing, which I appreciated fully.
TRIP TO CALIFORNIA: Left home April 1st, 1931; Price, Utah on 2nd, at Salt Lake on 3rd; left Salt Lake 4th; arrived San Fransisco on 6th. Stayed 6, 7, 8; Left on 9th; arrived Salt Lake 10th; left Salt Lake 12; stayed at Provo 2 nights; at Price 12th, home on 14th. Left Aunt Mary and Leonard feeling fairly good.
May 3rd: Aunt Mary and Leonard arrived home. Bishop Nalder came as far as Salt Lake with them from San Francisco on the train, Leonard having left his auto at San Fransisco, having taken a turn for the worse on account of the weather, which affected his breathing. On reaching home he took a change for the better, and apparently seemed to mend. His appetite was better, breathed more freely, and the bloating in his stomach partly left him, but did not get to gaining in flesh, but continued to "slip" along that line, lingering along without much distress and almost free from severe pain, attending to his business, being taken out in auto, or being taken in wheelchair and overlooked the workmen who were building his home; also attending to other business, up until the very end of the mortal sojourn, which occurred on July 25th, 1931, having borne up with heroic fortitude over 13 months of very severe sickness, starting with a ruptured appendix, the operation for which revealed a serious condition of the abdominal region, his life at the time hanging by a thread for several weeks, the blood being in such a poisoned condition it was hard to start a foundation for healing process. But having lived a clean life with a natural rugged constitution, it looked as tho he would win out and for a few months gained weight and seemed to be improving rapidly, but the baffling cancer germ had gotten its work in at a time when resistance was low and slowly developed, finally bringing to an end an extraordinary promising life just at its half-way station. He was steadily working his way up both in Church and state responsibilities, and was also heading toward financial success, revealing what would naturally develop into a well-balanced character; and the patient, uncomplaining attitude he maintained thru the long hard 'grind' placed him among the high class sports among men. Another praiseworthy feature of human kind, was the unfailing kindness of true friends, a few of whose names may be remembered well; Fred Keller, who secured letters of introduction from President Heber J. Grant of the L.D.S. Church; Gov. George N. Dern, to the Coffee and Humber Cancer Clinic,
located in the Southern Pacific Hospital, San Francisco, Calif. Mentioned in this trying ordeal are President W. H. Redd and wife Caroline: his (Leonard's) only sister, Mamie, who joined his mother (Aunt Mary) in one of the most trying, long drawn-out, soul-trying, anxious times, whose intelligent nursing and devoted love is something that will carry over into the eternities, and by comparison, makes gold or any material thing seem as trash. "Aunt" Mary stood up thru the trying and long drawn out ordeal as only a sensible mother could, not wishing or asking that her son, so dear to her heart, should suffer long. Herself during the fast few years having passed thru two major operations for cancer and goiter, also being treated for diabetes for the past two years, all of which, considering her age (near seventy-four) is most remarkable, in the evening of an extra busy life, during the greater part of which life she was apt to be called out at any time, day or night, warm or cold, to wait upon the sick herself, or assist others. For such a companion and such associations the good Father of all be praised.
A copy of the funeral services will be found hereby attached.
1931, AUGUST 5: STARTED TO CALIFORNIA with Aunt Mary. Our party consisted of "Aunt" Mary, Aunt Julie Butt (who accompanied us as far as Mona where she intends living with her daughter Lila B. Ellertson,) our daughter-in-law, Marian A. Jones with their babies Phyllis and Bobby; myself, granddaughter Ila Jones, and son Marion (chauffer,) and picking up Sister Emma Wood at Monticello, started early; made good time. Lunched at Price; turned south at Spanish Fork; arrived in Mona between 8 and 9 p.m.
Aug. 6: Stopped at Provo; visited our niece Sarah Crosby, and others; went in to Salt Lake, visited around with relatives, staying with Sister Mattie Ashton and family.
Aug. 7: Started out early (leaving Marion A. Jones and babies,) went thru scattering towns, ranches, mining towns, etc., delightful farming country until passing Wendover, and another small town or two, entering the 'desert' and such a desert--never ending, white flat, desolation, salt, salaratus, etc., after which we pass thru sage brush, low mountains, a few small settlements and ranches. Ranges seemed very dry for lack of rain, very few streams of water; a mining town or two. Camped at Winnamucca, fairly orderly, well kept town; pleased to see a very large, orderly happy crowd at a well-arranged place for public amusements, fine swimming pool, a well-trained band, discoursing music, located up in a well arranged alcove above the crowds, who were swimming, dancing, playing different games, etc. This was located somewhere near the center of the town, and at an expense most any town could afford. All could be made and run with little cash outlay, and could be handled so as to head off much of the stuff that gives parents and
authorities concern in our country towns.
Aug. 8: The country seems to improve as one travels west thru the State of Nevada; evidences of drouth are apparent all the way. However, one sees that when storms do come this would be an excellent sheep and cattle range, much of it is level, and none so rough or broken but would be ideal for range purposes. A little after midday we came to Reno (notorious for some features.) We looked up our relative, Alta Nielson Cox, who looks well, has a nice home in a nice part of the apparently clean, well-governed town. The country changes quite fast after leaving Reno; timber and grass and rough mountainous, broken country appears on every hand and lasts most of the way to Sacramento. After leaving Reno we soon entered a canyon with a nice clear stream of cool mountain water, first of any note since entering Nevada, in fact since leaving Salt Lake Valley, which must be between 4 and 5 hundred miles. Stopped for lunch at the California State Inspectors gate where our luggage is overlooked, were treated civilly; they seemed to take our word mostly on their catechism and not holding us but a few moments.
"It's a long, long trail awinding" from this point down to within a few miles of Sacramento, where we camped for the night. Not a dry or lonesome or monotonous moment, winding down thru orchards, vineyards, gardens, fields, or thickly timbered ridges, hollows or canyons in sight of beautiful streams of water every few moments, most cultivated spots were on side hills in the midst of thick forest timber.
Aug. 9, 1931: Into San Francisco by midday; pleasant new scenery all the way to Oakland. Attended S.F. Ward Sacrament meeting in the evening. Located at 1600 Fell St. again.
Aug. 10: Visited big park, went thru museums, halls of relics, etc., rode thru park down to beach and return; looked in at a Fox picture show in the afternoon.
Aug. 11: Visited the park again; did some shopping and visiting.
Aug. 12: Left Aunt Mary and Aunt Emma Wood, my son Marion and myself started out early for home on the main highway down the coast towards Los Angeles. My first trip with auto had been along pretty much the same country on R.R. before a time or two, but prefer the auto way. The first 250 miles is interesting and beautiful country, quite thickly settled with towns, villages and ranches, farms, orchards, vineyards, practically all this distance, but the other 200 miles, reaching to within 50 miles of Los Angeles the country is less thickly settled and seems drier. Camped within a few miles of the enlarged city limits of Los Angeles.
Aug. 13, 1931: Early start; came thru Pasadena, Hollywood and a dozen other cities and towns, attempting a "cutoff" and missing Los Angeles City proper, but lost some time in picking up the main San Bernardino highway in quite a steady rain, but finally emerged from the maze of towns, but 'twas all new and interesting country, and the highway with exception of the detours was fine; came out to Las Vegas; would have come farther but for a freshet coming down a wash north of Las Vegas.
Aug. 14: Came thru the towns of Muddy Valley and Utah's Dixie, Santa Clara, St. George, Leads, etc., arriving at Cedar about noon. Had a nice visit with relatives; found most of them quite well. I noticed that my older brother Lehi is beginning to slip; moves around slower and is getting much thinner, but his spirit is active. His wife, "Aunt" Henrietta, is very feeble and has lost all interest in everything since her nervous breakdown a year or so ago. This places an added burden upon Lehi, which is a strain upon his rugged will power.
Aug. 15: With an early start, coming by way of Cove Fort, Willow Creek, Sevier Valley, Salina Canyon, Castle Valley, Price, Green River, Moab, Monticello, arriving home about 8:30 p.m., a bit tired, but still happy.
From home (Blanding) to San Fransisco on the Lincoln Highway, back by Los Angeles, San Bernardino, to Price, again, we passed road camps, some caused us to take low, others detours, some places more or less rough, but taking it all around, had a pleasant trip, which I enjoyed very much. The roads thru Nevada on account of severe drouth conditions, so that wherever the road was being worked were very dusty. But the weather was cloudy and cool all thru our trip and on the return trip we had many showers, which added to the pleasure and comfort of the journey.
Oct. 1st: Left home early; reached Salt Lake 7:30 p.m. without any accident. Stopped at Keith Apts.
Oct. 2nd: Attended conference in Tabernacle; speakers Pres. H. J. Grant, David O. McKay, and stake presidencies; not being able to hear good in Tabernacle went up to the home of George W. Ashton and listened on the radio; heard every word.
Oct. 3rd, 1931: Listened on the radio at the home of Sister Cora Ashton, forenoon and afternoon.
Oct. 4: Listened on the radio at the home of Bro. Heinsie and wife, Pres. A. W. Ivins spoke on the pyramid of Cheopps, stated that the church had not endorsed the new book "Bible in Stone." Pres. Nibley spoke on the seriousness of the depression, and pointed out that by living as we should and keeping the
commandments of the Lord the Saints would pass thru unharmed. Referred to the United Order; said that in case this depression continued the Saints may have to turn to the Lord and work in that order to save themselves, which that would do for us; made a strong plea for the Saints to prepare for this, and be more united and helpful towards one another. Pres. Grant presented the General Authorities of the Church to be sustained by vote of conference. Blessed the authorities of Church and Nation; praised President Herbert Hoover for his wisdom and sympathy for our countrymen in these serious times. Came down to Provo in the evening of the 24th. Visited Bro. E. F. Thompson.
October 5th 1931: Gave a blessing to Sister Anna Prince Redd; came down to Cedar City and visited with my relatives; got a tentative organization of Jones's to continue the genealogical work that our brother Thomas Jed. had led out with for a number of years, in cooperation with Bro. Thomas W. Jones of Salt Lake, whom I also conferred with while there. Also held meeting with the Treharne organization; George W. Ashton, President, and Alice Treharne, secretary and others.
6th: Started for California in our car, bringing the following with us: Sister Mary Allice Jones (my brother, Uriah T.'s wife,) Dolph Andrus, Sister Bruce and baby (a daughter of Bro. Jude Bailey) and Marion Jones; came as far as Barstow. Roads were fairly good.
7th: Came on into Los Angeles; found Emeron Jones and wife, son and daughter-in-law of "Aunt" Mary Alice, also met sister Kate Ryan, widow (daughter of Bro. and Sister Ben Perkins.) My son Marion and I came out 200 miles on our way towards San Francisco, roads good.
8th, Oct. 1931: Came on into San Francisco today, about 350 miles; roads good; found our folks "Aunt" Mary and "Aunt Emma Wood" feeling well. Made the trip without accident or car trouble whatever. Weather favorable, roads good all the way. Most all the way thru Nevada the grass and brouse was very good for this winter's feed, but conditions are reversed since last spring. Nevada was dry and after passing Reno a short distance, the light color changed to green, shrubbery, trees, etc., all changed in kind as well as color, as did the climate and general topography of the country.
9th, 10th: Rested up, changed our renting quarters from 1600 Fell St. to 1712 Fell St. Got a bit of scolding for not giving notice of our intention of giving up our apartment and was asked to pay for one week's rent extra.
11th: Marion (our son) and "Aunt Emma" left us, starting at 2:30 p.m. on Pickwick Bus, for Salt Lake. Aunt Mary and I attended Sacrament services at the San Francisco Ward Chapel. (L.D.S.)
Oct. 12, 1931: Went shopping in the forenoon; took the car to a garage for repairs; Bp. Nalder driving car (something out with the clutch.)
13th: Spent the forenoon writing, etc., at home; visited Golden Gate Park this afternoon; building, improvements, setting out plants, flowers, shrubs, etc., going on all over the park, encouraging civic pride, furnishing employment for many needy people in these times of stress and beautifying a playground and pleasure resort for not only this city but for the state and nations.
14th: Around home forenoon; shopping a bit; visited Golden Gate Park in afternoon; notice new features in art paintings, sculpture, etc., very beautiful in art buildings.
Oct. 15, 1931: Took long hikes out on prominent hills on the northwest of the Golden Gate Park, where a lot of heavy work has been done removing the top of the hill preparatory to putting a large building for a women's college school for educational purposes.
16th: Home forenoon, visited business section (Market St.) where there were crowds, and crowds shopping. Attended a picture show.
17th: Home writing, etc., in forenoon; did some shopping in the afternoon, and took a long walk out south; quite windy and foggy.
18th: Sunday. Attended Sunday School in forenoon; out in Golden Gate Park in the afternoon. It looked as tho the town was there in force, among other attractions a brass band gave a concert, which I appreciated very much. Attended Sacrament meeting in the evening. President McDonald of the San Francisco Stake and one of his counselors spoke, also two young fellows; had a good successful meeting.
25th, Sunday: Returned late last evening (Saturday) from attending a stake conference meeting in the interest of the Mutuals and auxiliary work; Apostle Melvin J. Ballard for Mutaul Y.M.M.I.A. and Sister Ruth May Fox representing Y.L.M.I.A. There was a conference meeting held before the Mutuals met at which the subject of marriage was discussed. Bro. Ballard gave a plain, good talk on the subject. After this meeting was over all gathered to the main assembly room and remarks were made by Sister Fox and Apostle Ballard, each explaining the reading courses and books and programs of the associations they presented (each being master hands at their work) for the season of 1931-32. Rained most of the day today; stayed home most of the day reading and writing; visited Bp. Nalder's home, listened on radio to Apostle Ballard and Pres. Hoover, the latter addressing the Methodist Conference being held
at Atlanta, Georgia, also other preachers of renown, Catholic and Protestant, which including music and singing had a pleasant afternoon.
Attended meeting of the San Francisco Stake S. S. organization in the San Francisco Ward Chapel; a short program was given, some business in regard to releasing and sustaining new officers was attended to, after which Apostle Ballard, and Ruth May Fox addressed the meeting on the work and duties of M.I.A. members, especially emphasizing this year's slogan, "We stand for physical, mental and spiritual health thru observance of the Word of Wisdom." After giving a short stirring address, principally on the slogan, Apostle Ballard left the meeting to take the 9:50 train for home. Sister Fox spoke kindly, feelingly and plainly on the slogan and other matters in line with M.I.A. work.
October 26th 1931: Adherred to my usual program, shopping a little, reading, writing, hiking, etc. Aunt Mary also has her little program: attends the hospital clinic and takes the serum treatment three times each week, stays about our new "home" occupying three rooms, dining room (which is also our kitchen) parlor, which we use for our bedroom also, pantry, which is quite conveniently arranged with cupboards, large and small drawers, sink with hot and cold water, etc., and a large porch, where coal and kindling, etc., are kept; a private toilet and a toilet and bathroom conveniently arranged between two apartments, which Sister Petty of Salt Lake City, Utah, also has access to. There is also a small back yard, where clothes lines are accessible. Aunt Mary spends her time reading, occasionally writing a letter, fancy work, sleeping, accompanies me on some of our shopping excursions, visiting neighbors, and also finds some of her lifetime activities visiting and helping to care for the sick folks, or caring for the small children of the sick people.
27th: Same old program, during the day. Was visited in the evening by a married daughter of Mons Peterson of Moab, and San Juan Stake. She is a granddaughter of our old friend F. A. Hammond, one time president of San Juan Stake, which also included what is now Young Stake.
Nov. 1, 1931: Last 3 days nothing happened of note, only brot along 17 kinds of weather, all the way from 40 to 85 degrees, including rain, fog, wind from every direction. Today attended Priesthood meeting at 9 a.m., Sunday School at 10 a.m., Fast Meeting at 11:50. Listened on radio to an L.D.S. Elder speak of the subject of pre-existence, our mortal life, and the future life of man, a good, plain, logical sermon, and at 7:30 p.m. attended joint M.I.A. meeting, also along the line of the radio subject, very good.
Nov. 2: Went out to South San Francisco Stock Yards, where a stock show was on. The 4-H Clubs of Idaho, Nevada, Utah and
California were showing their cattle and stuff. The boys and girls had some just fine young stuff and it's a very praiseworthy cause, getting the youngsters interested in doing things better. Met Governor G. H. Dern, who introduced me to officials of the stock yards and other notables. Got back about 4 p.m. Spent the evening at Bp. Nalders, taking in the radio programs, some good ones. Took dinner with Gov. G. H. Dern of Utah.
Nov. 8, 1931: Attended Priesthood meeting at 9 a.m. and San Francisco Ward Chapel; Sunday School at 10 a.m., at which President Heber J. Grant spoke twice (once in High Priest's class and at the reconvened school; his subject being his personal travels and experiences of his past life, which were interesting and faith promoting. He also gave a radio talk over at Oakland and addressed an afternoon meeting at Oakland. I attended the regular weekly Sacrament Meeting of the San Francisco Ward at 7:30, a very interesting, spicy meeting, five speakers taking the time with missionary experiences and plain gospel talk.
Nov. 15, 1931: Passed the week in the usual routine, shopping, hiking, writing and reading; took in one show. Today attended Priesthood Meeting at 9 a.m., Sunday School at 10. Walked down thru the Golden Gate Park, saw a skeleton of an immence big whale, braced up on a frame and a substantial shed built over it. Attended Sacrament meeting in evening.
Nov. 22: Sunday. Felt indisposed; did not get out to meetings until evening Sacrament meeting; enjoyed the exercises and speaking very much. In talking with Bishop Nalder of the San Francisco Ward told him if I was deprived of all church activities and studying of the Gospel life would be unbearable to me now, but as it is with studying and meeting with the Saints and trying to live as the Gospel requires I am enjoying life as well or better than ever, as we get to appreciate what it all means to us the nearer we come to the change we misname death. In wandering thru the old San Francisco cemetery this evening I ran on to a headstone bearing the name, E. B. Partridge; intend to find out more about his name if possible. (Moritz Winter.)
Nov 23d: Taking a hike thru San Francisco old cemetery again this evening ran on to headstone with the following legend, "Sacred to the memory of John Jones, Died 1871, aged 56 years," also "Sacred to the memory of Sarah A. Jones, born Jan. 1, 1870, died Jan. 18, 1870" (above all of the same headstone.) I intend to follow this up.
Nov 27: This evening Brother and Sister Bradford, who have been here in San Francisco for a year or so, Bro. Bradford taking the Coffee and Humbar serum treatment for cancer, left for their home in Salt Lake. They have left with me a very strong impression as being high class people, and for patient, uncomplaining fortitude under severe conditions they are 100 percent grade fine
neighbors. Hope that our acquaintanceship and friendship may endure. During Bro. Bradford's severe illness he has written a book on geology including minerology, for a school text book for the U. of U., and those who know, say that it will fill an important place in the schools of the country.
Nov. 29, 1931: Attended High Priests class at 9 a.m., Sunday School at 10 a.m., and Sacrament at 7:30 p.m., all good programs. The High Priests lesson was, Joseph Smith's prophecies came true. The Resurrection, its reality, and certainty proven, was the Sunday School lesson, High Priests and parents. Subject for Sacrament meeting was Genealogical and Temple work. Two Elders came from across the bay.
Dec. 7: Attended High Priest meeting at 9 o'clock, Sunday School at 10, and Fast Meeting at 11:30. This ward has good meetings, especially Testimony meetings. The brethren have to move or the sisters will walk right along with the meetings, and they are 100% at making good, sensible, humble talks.
December 14th: Raining all day, and having a severe cold, remained home. We received word that our new friend Bro. George H. Bradford passed on from this mortal stage last Thursday, Dec. 11th. It was a well-deserved, honorable release from a faithful mortal mission. He had made the grades and fairly and honestly won the greatest of all prizes. Had been afflicted with that baffling malady, cancer, had had surgeons operate and had tried every known remedy, and for the last year had attended the Coffee and Humbar Clinic here at San Francisco, and for a time had hopes that the serum was helping him, but other complications set in and left here for Salt Lake; made the trip successfully, but suddenly took worse, and in just a few days his noble spirit was released. His nose and upper lip were all eaten away and I was not able to understand one word he tried to say to me. His wife--noble and true soul--could understand what he tried to say, but the day before they left us for their home in Salt Lake City we had called in to see them, and had stood up to bid them good night, as we stood looking one another in the face he said three words that I understood perfectly. I answered with the same three words, and this was one more instance where was made manifest the strongest force in the world--we understood one anothers words and hearts.
Dec. 21: Raining all day, and not having got rid of my cold remained home all day. The other I followed up a little research work on the names I found on the headstones. A John Jones came to California from New Hampshire. Their record number in Oak Park North Cemetery Graves 15-16 burial number is 2485. Both John Jones and infant Sarah Ann Jones are buried in the same grave number as above 2485. I was directed to the City and County Building for further information, and I intend to follow up a little further. It rains and rains.
Dec. 25: Christmas. Still it rains, but it cleared away for most of the day today. Was down on Market St., all quiet, closed up tight. I didn't notice any sign of drinking, but all was peacable and quite quiet, churches, orders, clans, societies, civic, military, philanthropic, charitable and private individuals vie with each other in dispensing Christmas cheer, and help and succor to those who are in want or sick. The preachers, office holders, politicians, business concerns, theaters, playhouses, sports concerns, and all nationalities, railroad, street car service, educational organizations, schools, etc. And a kind providence will reward them all. Bishop Nalder of the San Francisco Ward has been at home with a severe cold, and Sister Nalder has been on the go day and night, looking to the needs of the poor and unfortunate for the past several days.
Dec. 27, 1931: Rained all day yesterday and today, but broke away late this evening. Aunt Mary and I attended L.D.S. Church this evening 7:30.
Jan. 3rd, 1932: Fasted. Attended Priesthood Meeting at 9 a.m., Sunday School at 10 a.m., Sacrament Meeting at 7:30 p.m. All good.
Jan. 25th: Lazy man's diary, no excuse, observed Sabbath Meetings 10th, 17th, 23rs. Today went to Dr. Shepherd for physical examination. The Doctor told me I was in good shape for my age.
Tuesday, Jan. 26: Started taking treatment for constipation (chiropractor.)
31st: Rained most of the day; stayed around home; have had some trouble with my feet, developed a tough looking calous between the small toe and second one to it, has given me some trouble; did not attend any of the meetings of the Church.
Feb. 4th: Have had several rainy days until today, no rain but cloudy. Attended meeting this evening, occasion being a visit of Apostle David O. McKay and Elder Hinckley, who is taking over the presidency of the California Mission, replacing Joseph W. MacMurin, who was unable to carry on on account of ill health. Both of these men spoke very kind and feelingly of Bro. McMurrin, and each made plain, humble, scholarly talks on the Gospel and our responsibilities in regard to it, and to our fellowmen and each other. A message from Salt Lake City from the Church Authorities announcing the death of Presiding patriarch, Hyrum G. Smith, some time this evening. Apostle McKay had difficulty in speaking of the passing on of his life-long friend. This incident gave Bro. McKay a spendid opportunity of handling the subject of the resurrection, which he did most beautifully, and the large congregation was with him.
Feb 29: Spent the balance of February about the same old routine; got permission of the Panhandle Park authorities to get some wood from the pruning of the big trees; had to pack it across one of the much traveled highways to our apartment, where I chopped it up for us and our landlady, most of it was green and heavy, but we bot some dry wood and it helped cut down the expense at least one dollar a week, and I felt better for the exercise. Had lots of rain, and weather moderating.
Mar. 26, 1932: Same monotonous routine, occasional rains and weather getting warmer, grass taller, flowers blooming, days longer, all bring the unavoidable wanderlust, and yesterday had a "breaking out" in the shape of an autotrip down the county side thru orchards, vineyards, gardens, forests, cities, villages, lone mansions, colleges, universities, schools, race courses, beautiful cemeteries, stadiums, tennis courts, golf courses; the wonderful mystery house, with between one and two hundred rooms (166), the buildings alone covering six acres. It was built by an erratic elderly widow lady. The grounds and surroundings looked a little neglected. The place had been built a room at a time without regard to design, architecture, or any kind of system. We went as far as San Jose, called on and had an excellent dinner with Aunt Eliza Redd's sister, Hattie Austin, with the same spirit, and jolly disposition, but slipping physically a bit (at 75 years.) Have a cozy cottage and small orchard, good, cold, pure spring water, and the climate must be almost perfect. Sister Hattie rode with us down to the Beach Town, Sera Cruse, where fishing, bathing, etc., were going full swing. A wide pier had been built at considerable expense, about 3 to 4 hundred yards out in the ocean. This was crowded with autos, boats, fishing tackle, etc., also rooms and accommodations for bathers, lunch counters, etc.,--a small town on a pier. District President of the L.D.S. mission force of the San Francisco Mission force, and Elders Broadbent of another district rode with us, also Sister Edith Redd Lewis; President Wesley Barton of the San Francisco District drove the car for us.
Mar. 27, 1932: Easter Sunday, generally observed with services commemorative of the Savior's Resurrection. The largest services were at Mount Davidson--attendance estimated at 30 to 40 thousand. Along with the noise and pretense of all these celebrations and observances, there is an undercurrent of honest sincerity that is to be admired, in this mixture of creeds, nationalities, clans, orders, politics, business interests, etc., represented in this city of "Babel." Many praiseworthy movements are put over in a big way.
Apr. 17: Have been trying to make arrangements to have the cancer serum released so that we may have some sent to our home doctor (Sherman) to administer it to Aunt Mary, having about reached the limit for funds to stay longer; expect to leave in a day or two. Today attended Priesthood meeting, Sunday School, went out Ward teaching with Brother Hill, visited three families; visited the Fly Shacker Zoo in the late afternoon, and attended
Ward Sacrament Meeting in the evening. Have been making preparations to return home for several days, doing what we can to have the serum (cancer) released so that we may have it given at home.
Apr. 18: Left San Francisco about 7 a.m. in our car, having arranged with Sister LaNola Driggs (daughter of Thomas C. Callister) to drive us in to Salt Lake, Wesley Barton has been very helpful in our rush to get away. (He is presiding over Church missionary work in the San Francisco area.) Started to storm soon after leaving San Francisco, keeping it up the greater part of the day. Came as far as the little town of Fernley; procurred two cabins and got along very nicely; came about 260 miles.
April 19, 1932: Started out about 7 p.m.; after a few miles out took the wrong road soon after leaving Fernley. Ran out of gas, and waited until the first car came along; found two clever youngish men who let us have enough gas to take us back to where we left, and informed us that we were off the right way. It soon started snowing and kept it up again most of the day; came about 340 miles to Wells, more or less uncomfortably cold, got in a double cabin and was in good shape after starting up a good fire.
April 20: Snowing this morning, and looks as if it had stormed the greater part of the night. We are awaiting developments. The storm broke away about 3:30 p.m., and we started out, against the advice of many, and came into Salt Lake, arriving about 10 p.m. without difficulty of any sort, only loosing one of our spare tires. Stopped at the home of Charley Gibbs and family.
Apr. 21, 1932: Visited around with friends and relatives, until 4 p.m. securing the services of Miss Mary Gibbs to drive our car; came down to Mona, Utah, in a downpour of rain, arriving at 7 p.m. Camped at the home of Bro. and Sister Clarence Ellertson, with whom "Aunt" Julie A. Butt was living, Sister Ellertson being a daughter of Aunt Julia, traveling about 85 miles.
22nd: Started out about 7:45 a.m., coming back to Spanish Fork, where we turned up Spanish Fork Canyon, over Soldier Summit, Price, Green River, Moab, Monticello and home, Aunt Mary being very sick most of the way from Soldier Summit, especially from Price to Green River; eased up a little from there on. Arrived home about 7 p.m. very very tired, our fine, safe driver and myself feeling fine and all sensing very keenly the saying that "There's no place like Home."
23rd: Attended Priesthood Meeting, Sunday School forenoon, and the Stake Union Meeting afternoon. All these were well attended.
24th: Our son Marion started back with Sister Mary Gibbs, our young Salt Lake driver.
Apr. 27, 1932: Lovely storm, after the wind storm of the 26th.
28th: More snow and weather very favorable for crops and feed. After many years of more or less drouthy conditions, it appears that we are to experience more favorable weather for our encouragement in these times of stress and anxiety.
Our temporary home November 18, 1932: paid $20.00 rent, #224 1/2 Westmoreland, in Los Angeles, California.
November 15, 1932. Left home, came to Mona, Utah; was welcomed and entertained by Aunt Julia Butt and Ila Ellertson, her daughter, for the night. Started about 7 a.m. and arrived at 6 p.m. after a pleasant ride.
November 16, 1932. Left Mona about 7:30 a.m. Arrived at Cedar City about 2 p.m. and found all our folks fairly well. Had a good visit; stayed with "Aunt" Mary Alice and family.
November 17, 1932. Left Cedar City a little after 7 a.m. and with the exception of a bad puncture at Las Vegas had a successful journey, arriving at Victorville, California, just at dusk. Procured a camping cabin; passed a fairly comfortable night at a reasonable cost.
November 18, 1932. Got off fairly early and arrived here (Los Angeles) about noon, making 1075 miles from home, with Warren Bronson, a young missionary from Monticello, driving our car with Reed Wilson, also of Monticello, assisting at the wheel. Both were good careful hands with a car. The weather was good, and our trip was pleasant and successful.
Cash paid out: Gas and oil $14.75; Tire, etc. $12.10; Tube $2.35; Rent $20.00. Total to date $48.95.
November 19, 1932. Went shopping today; soap, bacon, beef 92 cents, matches, salt, flour, etc., .72, milk 26, B alcohol .49, bread .09, etc.
November 20, 1932. Attended Sunday School in the L.D.S. ward chapel at 145 West Adams Street, Los Angeles. Had difficulty in getting to the chapel thru being misdirected. Stayed home writing this afternoon.
November 21, 1932. Accompanied Aunt Mary to the clinic for treatment; took a long stroll out west of S. Westmoreland Ave. Paid out 81 cents.
November 22, 1932. Rode out thru Beverly Hills to the beach, Reed Wilson driving the car. Cash today $3.23--total $55.42.
November 23, 1932. Stayed around reading, writing; had a visit by Reed Wilson and his youngest sister, Ray. Spent .65.
November 24, 1932. Home most of the day; did a little shopping; attended the theater; spent 1.15. This is Thanksgiving day. We are both feeling better than when we left home; comfortably housed, plenty to eat of good food, appetites good, sleep good, papers to read, and something above any price, the Gospel in its fulness, embracing all truth, while our fellow men all about us are contending, each at most with only fragments which all patched together does not include the whole Gospel plan, or could not take them beyond the decalogue with all their whole philosophy combined. The ministers of this day, as in former times, are succeeding in confusing the minds of millions of the trustful, honest people who are earnestly seeking after the truth, fulfilling the scripture, saying, "The blind shall lead the blind." We are humbly thankful in our hearts for the Gospel brought to earth by our young prophet's instrumentality.
November 25, 1932. Mussed around home, reading, writing a little. Went out for a stroll after dinner thru the big cemetery west of our temporary home; was pleased and interested in the substantial richness and variety of the monuments and headstones, markings, etc., erected by loved ones in honoring their friends who have stepped out of this mortal game. The care and expense of keeping this city of the "Departed" in such beautiful shape stands as a credit and honor to the people of Los Angeles.
November 26, 1932. Around home this forenoon; had a pleasant ride and visit out to the "Zoo" in the afternoon (was accompanied by Reed W. and sister.) Was a bit disappointed in this feature of Los Angeles' activities, for the nations third city (as to population.) We looked for something a little bigger and better, otherwise the ride out was fine.
November 27. 1932. Attended Sabbath School of this ward; spent just an hour getting to the L.D.S. Chapel by street car, and walked back in just about the same time, no car line running direct, and their regulations are different.
November 28, 1932. Home this forenoon at usual pasttime. Visited the Annual Fat livestock show after dinner, young Wilson again kindly acting as driver. The Western States, as far east as Texas and Oklahoma, have acres and acres of fat cattle and sheep, hog, etc., and some freak stuff from South America and Old Mexico. We got to see the humorist, Will Rogers, just as common as an old shoe, wisecracking with the crowds about the fat stuff at the big show.
November 29, 1932. At home most of the day, reading and writing the greater part of the time; usually take long walks for exercise. Attended the theater in the evening at the "Victoria"--good variety, lasting over 3 hours.
November 30, 1932. Attended clinic with Aunt Mary for an examination of her heart, blood pressure, etc., by Doctor Mum, but she is feeling better than when we left home. Our faithful friend, Reed Wilson, happened around after dinner and taxied us for a nice ride down thru the business sections, where we find a big city, in a small space, of enormous skyscrapers built hogey poggy every which way with no regard for compass or direction. I don't see how one can run a straight business in such a crooked place, but traffic moved as with the clock. It is forced to or they would have to ship in a new flock of humanity to replace the wastage. We went out to the Sears & Roebuck white store, built on high ground on the eastern part of Los Angeles, where it may be seen for miles in every direction. There were hundreds of autos parked all around this store. We were in and thru just one floor (and there are four) and I'm sure it is the largest store I've seen. In pricing the merchandise it would appear that for a "Year End Sale" they have moved prices up in place of down and turned on steam and are putting it over just about like this late political campaign, on a noisy Ballyhoo Racket.
December 1, 1932. Attended the clinic with Aunt Mary, and spent the balance of the day reading, writing, and hiking about for exercise did a little shopping on the side, getting fairly good lineup on the city within 3 or 4 miles of our temporary home in all directions.
December 2, 1932. Around home most of the day, getting lonesome and monotonous to two old pilgrims who have spent a long life in more than ordinary public and private responsibilities, here among strangers who haven't time nor inclination to be friendly or neighborly. With the view of improvement along this line, we rode around looking for an inexpensive radio to make life more tolerable and keep from going "Bughouse," or "Sumthen" (as Andy would say.)
December 3, 1932. Had our friend Reed take us out to Nephew Emerson Jones', our brother Uriah T's son's place; had a nice visit and dinner. They told us of the death of our school mate of years ago--Caleb Height--just two days before, leaving a wife (whom we also knew as youngsters at Cedar City) and some children, whom we will visit at the first opportunity.
December 4, 5, and 6, 1932. Around home reading and writing letters and some historical stuff in my scrap book. Located another L.D.S. Ward chapel (Hollywood Ward) which is more convenient for us than the Adams Street Chapel.
December 7, 1932. Went up to Pres. LeGrand Richards, who married a daughter of our cousin, Edward T. Ashton. Finished the day reading, etc.
December 8, 1932. After breakfast took a long hike downtown; visited the Lake Park, not a large park, but fixed up nice, with water fowls and different birds, etc., with a large comfortable grandstand used for meetings, concerts, etc., and with a seating capacity of several thousand people; also a large eating house where many thousands may be accommodated with almost anything to satisfy the inner man; also swings, merry-go-rounds, and other contraptions to amuse children.
December 9 and 10, 1932. Around home mostly; rained occasionally all day.
December 11, 1932. Attended the Tri-stake Genealogical Convention in the forenoon and afternoon, in the large, well-arranged Stake Tabernacle of the Los Angeles Ward. General Secretary of the Church Genealogical Society, Archibald Bennett, from the head office in Salt Lake City was in attendance. They had held sessions on Friday, the 9th, in the evening, two on Saturday, the 10th, and two today. I attended the two today, not hearing of the others. Enjoyed the sessions to the fullest. It was a real treat. The Church is stepping forward in this noble work. The most encouraging feature of it all is the way the young folks are responding to this work that has appeared to be a dry subject to most grown-ups heretofore. The prophecy is being literally fulfilled where we're told that "The Lord will proceed to do a marvelous work and a wonder in the Latter-days." These days are here and to witness how the young people are so nicely responding so heartily.
December 12, 1932. Rained all day. Hung around home all day. This evening Pres. LeGrand Richards made us a nice long visit with his wife and daughter, which was somewhat heartening for two lonesome "Kids" after being housed up alone all day. We humans are by nature social, whey can't we act kindly and be natural, shortcutting our way to happiness?
December 13, 1932. Went out in town on business and shopping this forenoon. Home in the afternoon; helped Aunt Mary with her washing, etc.
December 15, 1932. Nothing of any importance occured during the week, excepting a nice visit from old friends, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lang whom we had not met for 20 years or more--nice people; enjoyed the visit.
December 18, 1932. Today I attended Sabbath School and Aunt M. and I attended services in the evening; enjoyed both meetings. It was the ward conference.
December 21 and 22, 1932. Stayed around most all the day. Attended clinic on the 21st.
December 23, 1932. It rained about all day, quite heavily this afternoon. (Mr. Charles Lang made us a nice long visit on the 22nd.)
December 26, 1932. Our nephew Emerson Jones came over and took us out to their home for dinner, and a pleasant visit with old friends of 20 years ago. We enjoyed the visit very much.
December 27 and 28, 1932. Around home.
December 29, 1932. By invitation we had Reed Wilson drive us out to the Lang's home for dinner and a pleasant visit with old friends of 20 years ago. We enjoyed the visit very much.
December 31, 1932. Around home. I was not feeling quite 100 percent, having quite a bad cramping spell; went without dinner and that was about all that was necessary to put me right, and Aunt Mary took lunch at an eating shop nearby and said the change was very enjoyable.
January 22, 1933. The greater part of the time the past 3 weeks the weather has been stormy and cold, but our young standby Reed has taken Aunt Mary out for short rides, rain or shine, and it seems to help her and she is slowly gaining.
Yesterday, the 21st, attended quarterly conference of Hollywood Stake, President Heber J. Grant and Apostle Melvin J. Ballard were present and both spoke, also Sunday, today. Both made earnest, strong appeals for the Saints to hold fast and true to the faith of the fathers, maintain the sacred heritage that has been bequeathed unto us. There was a competitive retold story by two young fellows, who certainly did exceedingly well. I would judge the age of the boys to be about 14 years. The story was of a young fellow from one of the eastern states who came to Arizona partly for his health and while there attended the State University Being well trained and from a home where religious influence prevailed, he naturally fell in with the boys from a similar atmosphere, and found in that crowd some L.D.S. students to whom he became attached. For a boy he wrote out quite a plain, intelligent philosophy of life, taking some of his ideas from the "Mormon" boys. Just before his violent death (having been drug to death by his horse that became frightened and the rope was caught on his foot) he wrote to his parents that they must not be surprised if he came home a Mormon. The Scout boys told the story much better than I can write it.
January 23, 1933. Rain and then more rain. Reed took Aunt Mary to the clinic, and then had a nice ride; each time he goes out in a new direction. Attended another of Brother Ballard's lectures.
This evening the subject was "The Miracle of the Book or Mormon."
January 24, 1933. Brother Ballard lectured on "The Boy Prophet, Joseph Smith, his life, teachings, and finally his martyrdom," and related a few of the prophecies he made and their literal fulfillment.
January 25, 1933. Reed came up and took Aunt Mary to the clinic. It rained more or less all day. I attended another of Apostle Ballard's lectures--"External evidences of the validity of the Book of Mormon," mostly those brought to light thru scientific research in Central and South America and Mexico. He told how new light was being brought out all the time, referring to the burning of the records by Pizzarro and the destruction of Cortez, which removed much evidence that would have made known to the world undisputable knowledge as to from where and how this continent was first peopled. This has always been the method of the scrubby tyrants of the past ever, in an attempt to obliterate all traces of the doings of those who preceeded them and start a new era and put themselves at the head of a new history. But verily, they shall get their reward. We need not judge nor envy them. The perfect judge will place them.
January 26, 1933. Our faithful standbys came and drove Aunt Mary over to the clinic for her treatment and then drove us all thru the part of Los Angeles embraced in "Hollywood," thus putting us wise to another section of this large city, the very great part of which is a credit to our America in beautiful homes with lovely surroundings, public buildings, including schools and universities, churches, club buildings, stores and business blocks, including the thousands of unique service stations, not forgetting the parks, driveways, artificial lakes, places of amusements, not overlooking the theaters, stadiums, etc. In the evening I attended the closing lecture of the four given by Apostle Ballard, "By their Fruits Ye shall know Them," being the subject. Our methods of training the young folks, caring for the poor, unfortunate and the sick, our ideas, and our attitude towards morals, ethics, health, etc., including marriage, divorce, birth control, etc., were handled. A very excellent, plain defense, or a scholarly presentation of belief and practice of those subjects, by the L.D.S.
January 27, 1933. Did some washing, cleaning up, etc., this forenoon, and accompanied friend Reed and his sister, who lives here in Los Angeles, over to the clinic with Aunt Mary, and then took an auto ride thru a new section of Los Angeles, finding a little more evidence of the enormous size of this man's town. Indications this evening point to a continuing of the rainly season.
January 28, 1933. The highlight of today's doings was an auto ride and visit and dinner with our nephew Emeron Jones and family, who live in the eastern section of L.A., which altogether furnished us
a very pleasant day.
February 11, 1933. Put in the time at home (apartment) reading, writing, etc., since January 28 to date. Made preparation for returning home--getting the car fixed up and shopping some. Made a start today on the trail for our home, our good friend Reed Wilson at the wheel; made good time until we got to Las Vegas, and after being turned down several times, decided to come along toward home; was unable to find a suitable place to camp until we got to Riverside, 5 miles west of Bunkerville, where we found a suitable camp house with water for camp use.
February 12, 1933. Came as far as Cedar City, where we laid over with our relatives until the 15th. Came up to Mona, Utah, where Aunt Mary's sister Julia lived with her daughter Lila and laid over one day to have our car repaired after the wreck we had with another car, when no one was hurt, but the two cars were damaged quite seriously. Came home on the 18th, all safe and sound, with Aunt Mary standing the trip much better than one could expect for one in her condition.
Having, at the suggestion of Aunt Mary, changed our former plans to remain in California till about the middle of March, we left Los Angeles this morning, Aunt Mary and myself, with Reed Wilson at the wheel of the car. The weather was fine, and Aunt Mary was feeling a little better than usual. The lovely groves of oranges, lemons, etc., filled with ripened fruit just in the busiest picking season, the roads were lined on each side with picking stands; hundreds of grape vineyards in the dormant stage, and men all through the fields pruning and preparing for planting, etc. All this contributed to the interesting, inspiring picture of the lovely spring morning offering 65 miles of pleasant drive.
At San Bernardino we left the farming and fruit section and the lower altitudes, but on the Cahone Pass we came to the altitudes where snow patches showed on the hillside.
We expected to camp at Las Vegas last night, but the recent cold spell had frozen the water in the pipes and we had to drive to and camp at Riverside, five miles west of Bunkerville, Nevada. Here we were taken care of by a young couple of foreigners. Today we came here to Cedar City, and Aunt Mary stood the ride just fine, in fact, stood it by far better than usual; did not have a sick or unpleasant spell as she usually has when riding after night, even when well.
February 13, 1933. After having a good rest we prevailed on Aunt Mary to have Dr. McFarland called in at the home of our sister-in-law,
wife of the late Uriah T. Jones, where we were staying, and see how she was progressing. Before leaving California she had had a little trouble in her breathing, but had felt better since we left the lower altitudes. The doctor could see there was something seriously wrong and asked us to bring her over to the hospital, where he placed her under the x-ray. After taking two pictures, the doctor ordered her placed on the operating table and after giving her a local anesthetic, he drew off three quarts of a watery substance which had been crowding her heart out of place, and which had interferred with her breathing.
The doctor informed me that the x-ray revealed a condition for which nothing could be done, and told me my companion had but a short time for this life. I am sure Aunt Mary had had a premonition of her condition and had become reconciled to the inevitable, and to what I had told her before leaving California. She had always, ever since she came to years of understanding, expressed a mortal fear or dread of the event we call death, for want of a better name, the fact is, it is less of death than was our birth into this world.
Coming back to the subject of our heart-talk a month or so before, we thought of returning home, and I am sure the spirit of pure intelligence was there with us, and I have felt ever since that we were drawn closer together than ever before. In referring to the fear and dread she had always had of the inevitable change, I told her that when mortal pilgrims had reached our age it was time to expect and be ready and reconciled to it, and if I had been as faithful and true to my trust and calling as she had, I would hail the change with hearty delight.
What a host of the finest people, relatives and friends, neighbors and acquaintances that would be on hand to greet her on her return to the spirit land, after having lived up so faithfully to what our Savior had called "pure religion and undefiled."
That was where and when a change began that ripened into a sweet, peaceful, calm attitude, which was reconciled to whatever Providence had in store for us. Her nerves quieted down, her appetite improved a little, and she rested and slept a little better which, considering her condition, was remarkable.
Soon after this, Aunt Mary outlined a little program, and I endorsed it, cutting a month off our intended stay in California, and contemplating a three days' visit in Cedar, and one or two days at Mona with her sister, Julia. The collision on Soldier Summit was not on our card, but we slipped out of it so easily that we had one more event to be grateful for.
The journey home, the visit with our friends, and such friends, including all those at our home, and no mortals in this life ever had better ones; and the peaceful influence that Aunt Mary enjoyed
all through--and to have our program end in that heavenly sleep surely justified the headline of this humble tribute, "The Triumph of a Great Soul."
This leaves the humble scribbler of these lines without any right whatever to complain. So I will just gratefully, hopefully, trustfully plod on to my trail's end, as far as this good world in its present form is concerned, sweetened and brightened by the prospects held up for me. If there are any better prospects than these, then I am very much mistaken, but these are all on condition that I prove true and loyal to the Author and Organizer of our beings.
February 28, 1933. While at Cedar on the 13th Doctor Mackfarlane made an examination of Aunt Mary, finding her in a serious condition. The doctor tapped her side, drawing three quarts of a watery substance from her. She had gradually grown worse and today passed on to a better home beyond the reach of pain or sickness or sorrow, to enjoy the fruits of a long and busy life of service. From a grateful heart I praise our Father which is in Heaven for His wonderful kindness and mercy unto us all thru our several years of anxious waiting upon His providence, praying, and doing everything that offered any hope of bringing her relief, but we lost out, and Aunt Mary won--won a place among the big-hearted Scouts, who thought of, and worked for others besides herself.
April 5, 1933. Left home in a car with Pres. W. R. Redd, Aunt Caroline, Sister Guymon, and daughter Mrs. Corden Jones, A. R. Lyman, for Salt Lake City to attend annual conference of our church. There we had a feast of good things, from President Heber J. Grant, A. W. Ivins, J. Reuben Clark, and all the Apostles; six of the seven Presidents of Seventies, and the mission presidents. Took in all meetings of general conference, either by being present or listening in over radio. Also attended Genealogical and S.S. Convention. Enjoyed all together with the radio program Sunday from 9 to 12 a.m., and the lovely singing, etc. Some of the outstanding features were Indian Testimonies and singing, Pres. Grant's introductory remarks at the opening of general conference, the "Word of Wisdom" being the major theme. J. Reuben Clark (the new counselor) made a good impression among the conference attendants by his humble and wise attitude. Elder Bennion, the new member, is well known, ripe in missionary experience, and will fit in his new position as a wise choice to fill the vacancy in the Quorum of First Seven Presidents. All the singing and musical numbers were high class.
Made the trip in Pres. W. H. Redd's car, Pres. A. R. Lyman, "Aunt" Caroline Redd, Sister Guymon and daughter Hattie, (now Sister
Carden Jones) were in our company. Had a most enjoyable time all the while we were gone. Met my brother Lehi W. by appointment and stayed with his daughter "Tet" Henrietta Hintze and family--the best visit I have had with my elder brother for many years. Taken altogether, it was an enjoyable trip and visit, as well as a veritable spiritual feast we got out of the annual conference of our church with a program so varied and spicey.
Left home April 5 about 7:15 a.m., arrived in Salt Lake 6 p.m. Left Salt Lake 7:30, arrived home 8 p.m. Some difference between my first trip to attend conference from the San Juan country. I think it was in 1884 when I made it on horseback with pack mule and alone. The railroad was running from Salt Lake to Price and from Thompson's Springs eastward and building, but not finished between Price, Utah and Thompson's, Utah, so that I made the trip from Bluff to Price, with pack outfit in 5 days and from Green River up to Price in a night ride in company with a young fellow named Olson who was returning from Colorado riding a blooded horse, to his home in Sanpete. Leaving my pack outfit at Price with my cousin John Leigh, I went on to Salt Lake by train. As I rode direct to the railroad station to inquire as to train time and fare, etc., the agent asked me if I was on my way to the Stock Convention. I promptly answered yes, thereby saving $12.00 on being a good guesser, with nothing crooked about it as I was interested in stock conventions at that time and for many years after.
Comparing the two trips, the first one with 120 hours traveling, with a scant camp bed at night, and the last trip with 18 hours, with some of the best company on earth, in modern comfort, for both day and night, every moment enjoyable, including the best visit with my elder brother I have had for many years (brother Lehi) each of us having within the year just passed lost the company of our dear companions during the remaining years of our mortal pilgrimage (brother in his 79th year and I the 77th year less than half a month distant.) Both of our life eternal partners had lived as long as there was any pleasure left in this mortal life for them, and have passed to their vacation, leaving us to wind up our earthly affairs before we go and join them in an interesting endless enjoyable existence.
Trip and experience to Arizona, December 20, 1933.
December 20, 1933. Miss Jones and myself, with my son-in-law Melvin J. Adams started for Arizona, and arrived at Cortez about 1:30 p.m. all safe and sound. We slid off into the gutter near Dovecreek but soon worked the car back on the road again without doing any damage. Melvin returned home the same evening.
December 21, 1933. Came as far as Flagstaff, arriving about 5 a.m.
December 22, 1933. Came into Mesa, arriving midnight, and stopped at the Rex Hotel. Miss Jones remaining at Phoenix.
December 23, 1933. Made up for lost sleep until 10 a.m. Went around trying to locate a place to rent for two or three months, but was not successful, nor am I successful in finding Bro. and Sister George A. Adams or Bro. and Sister Henry Watkins, who left San Juan about 4 days before we did.
December 24. 1933. Referring back to the night ride between Gallup and Flagstaff, I suffered with the cold, especially my feet, more than for many years. The big "busses" were all packed and the company had to hire extra cars to handle the Christmas traffic and the cars we rode in were old and more or less open. The New Mexico car wasn't so bad and the driver was an extra good, jolly fellow, and being earlier in the night, and making about 60 miles per hour it wasn't so bad. The Arizona man was a careful driver, but slower, and the car was more open, and those of us that don't believe that we can drink our way back to propriety apparently didn't enjoy the cold ride so well. There was a man along from Alaska who was trying to drown his sorrow with whiskey, who told of losing a son two years ago, told of his promising prospects in life in so many ways, and then of losing his wife, who had won the love of all who knew her for her kindness to the poor and unfortunate and the sick. Told of selling out his cattle business at a big price and how soon he had gone thru with most of his money. Told of having an only daughter who was well up on music, etc. He referred several times to this extraordinary wife, sometimes nearly breaking down. Finally I spoke to him, asking him if he didn't expect to again meet her and continue the interesting story of friendship, plus in the next life. His answer was, "Never again." "She may return but in a different form." And how could birds or trees or any other form of life get any satisfaction after tasting the interesting love and associations of this life. My answer to him was, "Your story has been interesting to me, for you have told my life's experience of the past few years exactly, but we have come to the parting, just as we part tonight, as friends I hope, but may never meet again as far as this life is concerned, but I tell you (and it isn't maybe so) that I know that I shall meet my loved ones again and continue this beautiful story thru the eternities that are before us, as real life intelligent beings." My humble little talk had a sobering effect, especially on our Alaskan friend. It may satisfy our religious friends, this birds and flowers, trees, grass and different animals, etc., but to one who knows the soul satisfying truth, it causes us to want to shout praises to the Author of Life and Light.
Christmas, December 25, 1933. Spent a quiet day writing letters, looking around for suitable apartment to rent for the winter. They are scarce anywhere near the Temple. I only found two that filled the requirements for two or three lodgers, but could not close a bargain until Bro. and Sister Adams return from California from
visiting their married daughter, as I can't find out whether they secured a place for us before they left. I took Christmas dinner with Bro. Thomas Watkins family who have been almost too kind and free to an old lonesome body badly shattered and tired out coming over in the makeshifts furnished by the extra heavy traffic on the busses between Gallup and Mesa. I'm convinced the railroad is better for me.
December 26, 1933. Killing time yet; was disappointed in finding that the big letter with names to have Temple work done for had been here at the Temple and was returned, as I was later getting here than was expected, but have sent to have them returned. It will put me back about a week in starting work here.
December 27, 1933. Wrote two letters and sent them by "Air Mail," thinking to get returns sooner. Waiting is the hardest work I do.
Sunday, December 31, 1933. Attended Sunday School, the chapel was jammed full. I would say their Sunday School is working successfully. In the evening at 7 p.m. attended a pageant illustrating L.D.S. Temple work and ordinance work for the dead, etc. It was an enjoyable treat to me. It was put on in honor of California visitors to this Temple.
January 1, 1934, Monday. Woke up and am feeling better than since arriving here, which improves the outlook on the whole picture. Met Lou Burnham, still an odd character but I believe he's a right good man, hard worker, temporally and spiritually, and always at one or the other. He talks fast but in a slow key and seems to have a blessing or good advice for everyone. Does not have rugged health.
January 2, 1934. During the night two fires occurred near, or not far from my new home. It seemed to take some time to overcome each one. Don't know the amount of damage. Bad beginning for the new year. Bro. and Sister Adams returned from California this afternoon. I will make arrangements to live in the apartment with them as soon as possible. They report heavy storms in California, some damage and loss of life.
January 3, 1934. Latest news from Los Angeles has the loss of life running well over 100 and property loss over five million, and many more missing. Coldest weather in history in northern United States, and accompanied with blizzards and loss of human and animal life. This, with unheard of awful murders, etc., betokens the approach of changes foretold by ancient and modern prophets. Weather continues fine.
January 4, 1934. Moved in with Bro. and Sister Adams, into the Phelps Home, we occupying the west half, consisting of a kitchen, two fairly good-sized living and bed rooms, and bathroom, closets, etc., nicely finished throughout.
January 5, 1934. Home writing most of the time; it is warm in the daytime and cool at nights.
January 6, 1934. Around home; shopping in the afternoon.
January 7, 1934. Fast day. Went over to Tempe, 6 or 7 miles; attended Sunday School and Fast Meeting; had dinner with Bishop Turley, whose wife was an Olerton, formerly from Parowan, relatives of Bro. and Sister G. A. Adams or Mortenson. Had a lovely Fast day dinner, and visited their extensive dairy herd, mostly Holsteins, and farm, etc. This man, Bishop Turley, operated on a big scale, and should prosper.
January 8, 1934. Home all day; had a nice visit with Presidents Udall and Lesauer of the Temple (just across the road or street from our temporary home.) Told them of my condition as to health, etc. They treated me kindly and very respectfully, and asked me to call again after my recommend came and I had consulted a doctor.
January 10, 1934. Called in Dr. Kent's office and had an examination. He told me there was nothing seriously wrong, and gave me a prescription that he said would help my digestion. Spent the balance of the day writing letters, etc.
January 11 and 12, 1934. Followed old routine. 11th made a six mile hike out south of town; all is much the same. There is an improved road each mile each way, and a paved road each two miles.
January 13, 1934. Today went out in Brother Adams car and visited the Pima Indians farms and their village, and the Maricopy people--not much to see. I expected a little more advancement from what I had heard of these Indians. Rode out east along the large cement canal, to the first big diversion dam, an elaborate affair, made of cement reinforced with steel connections and headgates. This cost a lot of money which must mean high taxes.
January 14, 1934. Attended Sunday School in the Second Ward; a splendid session. Bro. M. C. Phelps was the guide. Attended a meeting addressed by a lady on the belief and customs of Russians, could not hear good. At 7:30 p.m. attended Relief Society conference in the 1st Ward, Mesa; an excellent meeting, good speaking and singing.
January 15, 1934. At "home" most of the day. Took a hike to find the home of Bro. Ray Young, son of my friend, Bro. John R. Young, deceased, who has been confined to his home on account of sickness; did not find Bro. Young's home in the forenoon, but had a 4 mile walk, which I needed. But went with Bro. G. A. Adams in his car and found Bro. Young who is improving nicely.
January 16 and 17, 1934. Around home last two days; walked downtown--2 mile trip.
January 19, 1934. Yesterday not feeling as well as usual; had a restless night, but have been feeling some better today. I have been reading "The Way to Perfection," by Joseph Fielding Smith. I like it, and believe it all. It makes plain the Gospel as found in the Bible, Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, Pearl of Great Price, and Church leaders.
January 20, 1934. Went out for a drive in Brother George Adams' car; first visited the big packing plant, where oranges, grapefruit, lemons and other fruits, apples, peaches, pears, etc., in the season are assorted and crated, prepared for market or sold out at the plant. Everything is on an elaborate scale and many are given employment, and a big amount of business is done. It must be profitable, convenient and indispensible in a climate where some items of the commerce are carried on all seasons of the year. Went out northeast to Bro. Charles Brown; Bro. Brown was not at home but we had a nice visit with the wife, who is the daughter of our old and respected Bro. William Halls of Mancos (deceased)--one of the Father's noblemen. Went from Brown Ranch out east to the privately owned zoo about 16 miles over a lovely road. The zoo contains black bears, foxes, coyote, lynx, mountain lion, wild cats, monkey (assorted sizes,) black snakes, Gila monsters (extra large lizards,) etc. It shows enterprise and is well arranged.
January 21, 1934. Attended Sabbath School in the 2nd Ward Chapel, and High Priest Class in the forenoon. Visited Andres Mortenson and family in the afternoon, a typical old-fashioned, warm-hearted Mormon family, representing the old Lars Mortenson and "Aunt Cornelia" branch from Parowan--no "stuck-up" stuff, but a visit where "Hearts are Trumps," and everybody wins a prize, which means courage and comfort to assist us to carry on until the next "meet" which shall not be far apart. Attended Sacrament Meeting in the 2nd Ward Chapel. The Stake President, Brother Price, and 2 home missionaries from other wards occupied the time, all good. Stake Pres. Price gave an extra high class heartening discourse such as people need in these times of stress and perplexity.
January 22, 1934. Went over to Phoenix in Bro. Geo. Adams' car, accompanied by Pres. Lasuare of the Mesa Temple Presidency, an extraordinary live wire on Indian lore, history and legends, etc. He took us thru the State Capital Building--beautifully well arranged or planned. I like Utah's Capitol better. He also took us to the State Library; we also visited the Carnegie Library, found the book we wanted--an early edition of the New Testament which contains books or much that was left out of the editions we now have; but we not being residents of Phoenix were not allowed to take the book out without paying $2.00 membership fee, but we were at liberty to read the book there at the library. Everything seemed to be hustle and bustle in this town, especially at this season of the year. We were told that there were about 10,000 people wintered here that moved elsewhere to summer.
January 23, 1934. Around home writing letters, etc. Had another good visit at Mortenson's in the evening.
January 24, 1934. At home. The Temple excursion from Blanding came in this afternoon, about 20 came in a truck with Joe Hunt. I was pleased to see them. Alma is located in with us.
January 25, 1934. Attended Temple service at 8 a.m. These are inspirational meetings interspersed with lovely singing, solos, duets and hymns, and, as one would naturally expect, a sweet spiritual influence always prevails.
January 26, 1934. Worked around home rearranging things to make it more convenient; also reading and writing, etc. Bought a book yesterday "Indian Legends" by President J. W. Lesueur of the Maricopa Stake, Mesa, Arizona--very interesting reading.
January 27, 1934. Saturday. This is shopping day, and we went with the crowds. I haven't quite caught up with the philosophy of these "sales" but they seem to ______?
January 28, 1934. Sunday. My brother Lehi, his son Erastus, and grandson Quinton, came out to visit us. Attended meetings in the 1st and 2nd Wards, Priesthood meeting in one and Sacrament Meeting in the other.
January 29, 1934. Rode out to Roosevelt Dam with brother and party in his car. It was a very pleasant, interesting trip, very rough country, much of the way thru mountains, but fairly good road most of the way. Rode around to different points of interest. Also on the 30th.
January 31, 1934. Rode out to the Phoenix meat packing plant, where a great many animals are slaughtered, cattle, sheep and hogs. At present they were filling a government contract, (N.R.A.) for the poor.
Started to work in the Temple Tuesday, 30th. Alma and I took 4 names for Bro. Adams and 4 names on the 31st for Bro. Adams.
Feb. 1st 1934: Went thru the temple for Brother Adams with 4 names for him. Brother Lehi and party started out for home; got information at Phoenix about bus fare and time tables, etc., that caused us to change our program, and returning to Mesa in the evening took in the sights, wonderful for stock feeding, pasturing, etc. Found it the most favorable for feed and pasture of any seen in Salt River Valley. The pastures and feed pens were all filled with cattle and sheep--all fat, and the sheep with big fat lambs about ready for market. Enjoyed sight and ride to the fullest.
3rd: Started out with Brother Lehi and party for Los Angeles early in the morning, going by way of Yuma and Imperial Valley, all
new to us. Arrived in Santiago in the evening and occupied one of the thousand auto camp cabins; enjoying the many sights and the visiting together.
4th: Started for Los Angeles early, got there between 8 and 9 o'clock, mussed around in the jam of the business part of town; couldn't get the parties brother wished to see so about noon we decided to strike for home, I taking bus for Phoenix and brother and party going by way of Las Vegas. Had a good visit together and seeing lots of new interesting country, etc. I arrived home about 8:30 today (5th), traveling all night, tired but stood the trip fine, glad I went.
5th: Around home, caught up on sleep, wrote a little. Attended a contesting try out of M. I. A. of the Maricopa Stake, a Church wide feature. I enjoyed it.
6th: Went thru the temple in the morning session, taking an Adams's name. Received my Treharne names from our faithful worker cousin Elice Treharne; will work on them now.
7th: Went thru the temple with three sessions, made a few blunders the first one, and less the second, and had better luck last one. It's a long program for an old person to learn off by heart; wrote home today.
8th: Attended temple services at 8 a. m. These are wonderful meetings, where people get close together, not only bodily, but their hearts and spirits also. I attended also the three sessions of the temple work. Am making a little headway.
9th: Attended 3 sessions of temple work, that is, put 3 names thru.
10th: Remained at home in forenoon; had a good bath; wrote letters, etc. Was too late for funeral services of an elderly Church member, did not get his name. Went in an auto procession to the cemetery; had a nice visit with an old pioneer family, Sorenson, nice old people.
February 12th-14th 1934: Went in an auto out to Phoenix, also out north and west; nice ride. 11th attended 3 sessions thru the temple; 13th: two sessions on the 14th; two on the 15th.
16th: Went thru three sessions in the temple; enjoyed it all. The development of the temple endowment is plainer and more grand and beautiful than ever to me, and the saying of our Savior that "The thing of God knoweth no man but by the Spirit of God" is made more apparent than ever to me, and working in the temple is a pleasant, congenial life for elderly people, soul satisfying, pointing heavenward.
17th: Put in a few short spells chopping wood for exercise, for elderly people who live near the temple and have no means to buy wood, and the road men furnish large cottonwood stumps and ask the men folks who need exercise to work on these tough logs, and I frequently take advantage of this "snap." Chopping wood, irrigating for Brother Phelps, using his turn on the lawn and ornamental trees, bushes, flower beds, etc.; wrote letters home.
18th: Attended Priesthood meeting of the 3rd Ward at 9:30, then Sabbath School at 10 and Sacrament meeting at 7 p. m. They had two home missionaries from one of the other wards speak; good meeting.
19th: Stayed around home writing, chopping wood.
20th: Made 3 temple companies thru for Treharne names.
21st: Made 2 companies thru the temple today.
March 18th, 1934: From Feb. 14th to Mar. 17th worked in the temple 4 days a week, put thru 34 or 35 names, kept busy, chopped a little wood once or twice a day and did some walking also each day; feel better than when I arrived. The climate is all that could be wished for; my appetite is all that can be wished for, and a person can live very reasonably here at Mesa, Arizona, and working in this temple in such a job and with such people, in the spirit and influence that prevails there, is ideal for any person who understands. I recommend it to anyone who wishes to live longer and happier.
19th: Came as far as Prescott, 175 miles, very hot day. Stopped in the center of town in cabins.
20th: Came by way of Flagstaff "Navajo" Bridge to Kanab, camped for nite.
21st: Came by way of Zion Canyon National Park; spent some time in taking in all the special features, which all who go thru this Government Park should do. "It's simply wonderful." Came to Cedar where I intend to stay a few days visiting my relatives, and if possible urge that an organization of the Jones family be formed.
22nd: Rode with Lisle Cory, son-in-law of my brother Uriah T. Jones, out to New Harmony, where Lisle had business for the Federal Land Bank to attend to. Had a pleasant ride and visit; met several old acquaintances and friends.
March 23rd 1934: Rode out New Castle on the desert below Pinto Creek Canyon, came thru the settlement of Pinto, which is almost abandoned, only three families remain. This visit brot vividly to mind the many happy memories of my younger days when we Jones' brothers (Lehi We., Thomas Jed, and myself) carried the pony mail from Cedar City to Bullionville, Nevada, about sixty years ago.
Our route being thru Iron City, Pinto, Hamblin, Hebron, Clover, "Valley", Panacca to Bullionville, and return. Our camping places and boarding places were Thales H. Haskell, Pinto, Bp. George H. Crosby, Hebron, Bp. Lyman Woods, Clover, and for a time we stopped at a large livery barn in Bullionville and later at the home of Bishop [?] at Panacca, Nevada. All excepting the big barn at Bullionville, were very choice people to stay with, all of whom in my heart I have retained the kindest love and regards thru the many years since our friendly association
After leaving Pinto we returned by way of the Dan Page Ranch, where we witnessed one of the saddest sights of my life, which was the sad, unhappy, almost unconscious condition of a once wholesome happy, care-free, big-hearted girl of my acquaintance of my early life, in the person of Sophia Gearry Page, whom I had not seen for 56 years, now with health shattered, in surroundings the most wretched. My heart was saddened.
24th to 29th: Spent time in visiting among old acquaintances, relatives, etc.; visited at Parowan on occasion of the Stake Union Meeting; attended the Genealogical class, which was spirited and interesting. Rode down to the dedication of a new highway bridge over the Virgin River between St. George and Hurricane, which was attended by a host of south Utah people. We were unavoidably detained and only heard part of the address by Governor Blood, and a musical number of two, enjoyed the ride, returning by way of Hurricane and Toquer. Last evening met at the home of Sister Mary Alice, wife of Brother Uriah T., where a number of the older acquaintances and relatives of Cedar, who had been invited together for my benefit; had an enjoyable time, going over old happenings, etc. which was mutually enjoyed. The good relatives of mine are so kind and are making it so wonderful and pleasant for me that I feel embarrassed, feeling sure that I can never repay a tithe of the goodness and pleasure they are giving me.
30th: Came to Salt Lake with two young fellows who were 100 percent careful drivers, singers, pleasant decent talkers, and in every way making of the afternoon's ride a "Happy Dream." I also read #10 Frank Cranes three minute lectures thru.
31st: Arrived about 7 p.m. One of the young men brot me to my hotel, helping me with luggage, and refused pay for it all. I feel in my heart to bless the clever well-bred young fellows, such kindness will bring its well-deserved reward, at the same time making life a bit brighter for a pilgrim about to enter his 79th year.
April 1st, 1934: Easter Sunday. Did a little writing; visited my dear Treharne relatives, and it happened to be the 79th birthday of the beloved Aunt Ann Hughs Treharne, relic of Uncle William Treharne, one of the sweetest, spiritual, Saintly women of my acquaintances in this earthly pilgrimage of mine.
Attended a musical program in the "Assembly Hall" at 7:30 p.m. which I thoroughly enjoyed; was taken in an auto of the son-in-law (Bishop Lloyd) of Cousin George Ashton.
2nd: Snowed about all day, sometimes quite heavy, altogether a nice mild storm; hope it may continue. Wrote home and to my brother Lehi at Cedar; also did some reading; attended a show.
3rd: Looked up the Utah Power and Light Co., find my investment in that Co. is almost worthless, also the Western States Insurance Co. Stock a little better, worth about 50 cents on the dollar. Met Pres. W. H. Redd and wife, Caroline, and others from home (Blanding). Went out and had a nice visit with Sister Eliza Redd, widow of late Pres. L. H. Redd, who is about 80 years old, and all things considered, is holding up fine. I thoroughly enjoy visiting with my old friends, relatives and acquaintances, more especially those with whom I "passed thru the mill" with more or less happy anticipation to the glorious reunion "over there" somewhere, sometime, when we may, under more favorable surroundings, go over the "Old Trails" in carefree memory again.
4th Took the finished Temple sheets down to Cousin Alice Treharne. These are names I put thru in the Mesa Temple. Had a nice visit again. Spent most of the day reading and writing and resting.
5th: Attended to some of my business looking up different people in regard to genealogical matters, and attended a pageant or lecture on genealogy in the Tabernacle in the evening; could not see or hear very well, but what I did hear was good.
6th: Attended opening session of the 104th Annual Conference. President Heber J. Grant presented the General Church Authorities and asked Apostle David O. McKay to read some Church statistics on the financial matters of Church, Missionary activities, etc., after which Pres. Grant spoke, followed by Apostle McKay, Joseph Fielding Smith. In the afternoon Apostle George Albert Smith, Apostle Reed Smoot, and three mission presidents spoke.
7th: Listened over the radio to the forenoon and afternoon sessions of conference and attended Priesthood session in the evening; was thrilled with the spirited short talks made by the Apostles and mission presidents and the wonderful testimonies borne by all. I never heard more forceful, earnest testimonies of the truth and importance of the Gospel restored again to the children of men.
April 8th 1934: Visited among relatives and friends and made preparation for returning.
9th: Spent some time looking to find Charley Redd, thinking that he may have room for another passenger, and take me home; unable to locate him; purchased a ticket from the U. P. Bus agent, but by
some unexplainable miscarriage or lapse of memory the driver failed to call for us and left without us, and we were left. But just at dusk I got word from Charley that he could bring me down if I could stand to ride all night, and I jumped at the chance and got on the way at 10 p. m., arriving home about 2:30 p. m. on the 10th.
11th: Spent the forenoon attending to my correspondence, and the afternoon choring around home, and visited some of my family.
August 16, 1935. Started from home with my good wife, with the youngest son of Brother Thomas Watkins at the wheel; got away about 6:00 a.m. went by way of Phoenix, Prescott, Flagstaff, Cameron, Tuba City, and camped for the night with the Wetherills at Kayenta. We were a little late getting in, found the roads somewhat rough, but for the first day out, we did very well. The weather was fine. We were treated royally by our old, long-time friends.
August 17. We got off early and found the roads very badly beat up with the heavy storm that came a few days earlier, but made the trip to Blanding by 2 p.m. finding our relatives mostly well and o.k.
August 18. Attended Sunday School in the forenoon and Sacrament meeting in the evening. Spent the week visiting relatives, friends, etc. Attended to business of different kinds, which was one of the objects of the trip. Went to Salt Lake with Brother J. Ernest Adams in his new car, well filled with my son, Thomas S., his wife, Anna and his daughter, Miss Rachel Perkins, and two of the orphan children of my son Leonard: Curtis and Ruth.
At Green River we overtook Brother Burnham with whom my wife, Mamie had started for Salt Lake; she changed places with my son Thomas and wife and the rest of the way we rode together.
August 19th, 1935: Started from home, Mesa, Arizona, with my wife, in a car driven by young Watkins; came to Kayenta; was cared for by the Wetherills, treated very kindly.
20th: Came to my old home (Blanding,) found the road rough in places; stopped with my daughter Mamie.
21st: Visited with my relatives; also 22nd, 23rd, and 24th.
25th: Attended Sabbath School this forenoon; Sacrament Meeting in evening.
August 26th 1935: Went in auto to Salt Lake with J. Ernest Adams; other in the car were my son "Tom," wife and daughter, my son-in-law Melvin J. Adams.
27th: Attended to business during the day and attended the Ashton Family Reunion in the evening; big crowd, good time.
28th: Came back to Blanding.
29th: Attended to some of the business that brot me here, settling up some accounts, etc., writing.
Aug. 30th, 1935: Not feeling quite 100 percent; stayed around "Home" most of the day.
August 26. Visiting and attending to business matters.
August 27. Was invited to an Ashton Family Reunion, a happy, get-acquainted, social affair, consisting solely of the Ashtons and relatives, with Marvin O. Ashton, oldest son of the late Edward T. Ashton, presiding. A short program of singing and speaking just before closing. Altogether a pleasant, interesting gathering of fine people.
August 28. Came back to Blanding with Brother Wallace Burnham in his pickup, and spent the balance of the week with my good wife visiting and attending to business.
September 13-15, 1935. Leaving the Capitol of Utah at 6:30 Friday morning with Brother and Sister Bushman, from Mesa, Arizona, J. B. James from Salt Lake, assistant at the wheel of Bushman's car. It seemed to me that the city never showed up better, its broad streets lined on each side with its diversified business houses bristling bright and clean in the beautiful early morning sun, followed by well-kept homes and mostly gardens and flowers about each home; this again followed with smaller towns and their well-ordered business houses, mills, factories, and establishments through Salt Lake Valley, Utah Valley, and Juab Valley. Dry farming seemed to predominate, and from appearances I would judge it is more or less successful this season. Millard and Beaver counties seemed lacking in moisure; Iron and Washington counties seemed to have fared somewhat better.
We camped at Cedar where we were very kindly cared for by my relatives, Ann S. Gardner and Frank Thorley and family. We got off to an early start, enjoyed the cool weather and the wonderful scenery all the way through the southern part of Iron county and Washington county. We drove through Belview, Toquerville and up the Virgin to Zion's Park, the grandest of all, in fact, there was something extra all the way to our destination, Mesa. We camped on the night of the 14th in Chino Valley, with its wonderful waving grass, affording forage for stock the coming winter.
This, with an excellent, easy car and two hundred percent good drivers, afforded a pleasant, interesting trip home, returning from a most enjoyable visit with our family and friends. My good wife and I feel grateful to be at home again, finding everything in fairly good shape, for two old fogies getting about to the end of this mortal pilgrimage, and the experience of two of the three estates.
June 22, 1936. Meeting called by K. Jones at the home of my daughter, M. J. Adams, to attend to unfinished items of an unfinished nature in regard to our property. A company should be organized consisting of the heirs and relatives to care strictly for these matters in order to save money and property and lawyer bills.
Also it is my wish and suggestion that there be a K. Jones Genealogical Unit organized for this branch of the "Thomas Jones Head Organization of the U. S." as he was the only one joining the Church that we know of. The purpose of this organization should be that an account of the difficult barrier between Blanding and Cedar City, we can carry on with this work still. As time goes on there will be matters that will not be cared for by our correspondents nor by occasional visits.
As to Cooperatives, as suggested by our leaders, I suggest that my relatives here will be 100% for it and sustain it to the entire satisfaction of the authorities over the organization.
July 24 1936. As to funeral wishes: Nothing stylish or expensive; just something solid and sanitary; the Church authorities conducting. If they are willing I would like my family, or part of them to be prepared to sing, "Oh My Father" by our own prophetess, Eliza R. Snow. My spirit will join other members of our family, and we will all be more anxious as to the loyalty and devotion of those who are left behind, to one another and to the gospel, than we will be as to what becomes of my body at this mortal trail's end.
We should exercise care and reverence for our bodies during our sojourn through mortality as a divine gift entrusted to our control. "If we've vices that ask a destroyer, or passions that need our control, Let reason become our employer, And our body be ruled by our soul (spirit)."
If there's any of my dear friends who wish to do honor to me, I ask them to join me in transferring all honor to our Heavenly Father, for any good that I may have done, as it has been through the help and care He had given me all through my life.
November 24th, 1937: Have been reading the story of Kit (Christopher) Carson in the Deseret News, ending yesterday. Was
extremely disappointing to me, and leaves the rounding up the entire Navajo Nation in 1868, or near that date, with "Kit" as guide, or some officer not responsible for the direction of that expedition, when the Navajo Nation were rounded up and held in a "Bull Pen" at Santa Fe, most of them for 3 years, and then turned loose in that waterless country was a cruel mistake, and poor inexperienced "Kit" Carson was left to shoulder the blame, without suspecting just how it would end up, as soon as the truth would appear, which was, or is, that the Mexicans and Navajoes were scrapping to see how many each nation could capture the most of women and children, and then sell them to the surrounding nations as slaves, at which game the Navajoes won out, getting by far the most of the slaves, outwitting the Mexicans easily at this game. "Kit" Carson being against the Navajoes, sided with the Mexicans, and here is where the U.S. switched to the side of Mexico and Carson took more or less charge of the situation and bore down on the Navajoes in favor of Mexico, and the poor Navajoes got it in the "neck."
Leaving the Navajo Nation their choice, "To steal or starve," they turned to southern Utah. At this point the San Juan Mission starts.
Residence Old Home, Southeast Block, Blanding, Ut; purchased of Bishop Hanson Bayles
Diary began June 22, 1939
June 22, 1939
Arose @ 4:30 feeling better than usual. Chopping from 5 to 6:30. Had breakfast & worked with books to 8 a.m. Chopping to 10:45. Worked with seperating writings to 12 noon. Dinner after. Bath by Alice plenty soap and hot water and rub off with alcohol. Our breakfast is usually consists of, 1 soft cooked egg and small helping mush, milk with cream, small helping rolled oats all sweetened with honey, occasionally small piece meat (not often).
Thursday at 2 o.c. = p.m. Sister Josephine H. Bayles holds a scripture reading class. (There were others at the start, but as school let out, members scattered and Sister Bayles and I thoroly enjoy studying the scriptures together for an hour each week. Thursday).
Usually eat supper in 2 sections about 6 to 8. Mostly milk, fruit, mush, cereals, etc.
Do a little writing occasionally, would do more if my eyes were better, but I should not complain, am almost free from severe pains. I feel that Providence has answered my humble prayers for which I praise His Holy Name.
Auto rides are almost a daily pleasure for the last few weeks by kindness of daughter, Mamie, and the Adams (Aunt Margret and Carlie) who furnish auto, and I enjoy it very much. I even jump up from the chopping block to their pleasing health giving rides. Even took me with them down to our old home town of Bluff, Ut, which was a thrill and joy to me but the "Old Spirit" was somewhat lacking lately.
Some faithful L. D. S., but few in number but signs of the modern spirit of clean up and tidy up, was everywhere evident.
The main highway between Blanding and Bluff was being worked on and appealed to me to promise a much better road when finished, reached home before night. OK.
June 23
Had good night. Feel fine. Spent more time at the chop block. Had a bunch of my old friends from Cedar City call today. Lisle Cory (Bishop for many years), "Bud" Leigh, Lunt grandson of Henry Lunt, an old
time Bp of Cedar City.
All fine prominent men of Cedar. In interest of the establishing a connecting highway connecting the wonderlands of eastern Utah and western San Juan County, Utah.
June 24, 1939
Had a good nights rest. Feeling good. Passed the day with pretty much the usual program. Weather continues dry and getting warmer, if not hot, some clouds scattered about every day.
June 25th
Breakfast about as usual, mush, cereals seasoned with creamed milk, an egg (soft b[oiled]), some fruit, bottled (now), buttermilk or clabber occasionally, (some nice salad for dinner, usually which is prepared by daughter Mamie at her home, occasionally little ice cream or something of that order.)
Some neighbors very kindly send some of the buttermilk and clabber, and vegetables & fruits from their gardens in season, all of which we thankfully appreciate and we know the Lord will doubly bless them.
Friday June 30, 1939. Young Navajo Young Antes started to work for K. Jones @$30.00 per month. July 22-23--off for Monticello. Trip less 2 days work. Celebrating $2.00. Paid now, [$]12.00 bal.
June 26, 1939
Dairy (or something) continued
Brot from page 43. Cedar boys returned yesterday, enjoyed their visits very much. They reminded me of when I was younger and stronger. A bunch of nice bright fellows. Got up this a. m. 4:30 feeling good, put in day. All as usual. Quite a few visitors.
June 27
Did not feel up to standard, felt a bit blue big part of the day did some chopping, but worked in "low gear."
June 28
Days getting warmer, nights cooler and both remain dry. Followed about the same old program: chopping, writing, etc. Am pleased with the quite small children calling and bringing me flowers, etc. It is something they will be proud of with the passing of the years.
Friday [Thursday] June 29
Richardson visit. Not feeling quite up to standard but worried thru, squrming and grunting a bit, but mostly alone so that it did not bother my best friends much.
As to the Richardson picture show stuff, I asked him not to get me mixed up in any silly stuff and he protested that it was to represent a special religious movement, but to my mind some of the old timers run some extremely silly, senseless, stuff was put over or thru that machine to represent an event of such sacred importance.
Friday June 30, 1939
Bro. Richardson came in to secure pictures of the old timers still left alive of those pilgrims who came down and crossed the Colorado River at the "Hole in the Rock" in the winter of 1879 for the purpose of arranging a "picture show" of that occasion sometime within a year or so.
It was sort of a reunion for the old girls and boys to get together for an hour or so, as there seemed to be considerable lively performing thru it all. It occupied an hour or so. The "Old Youngsters" seemed to enjoy it all, rather lively.
July 1st, Full Moon
Satterday, July 1st, 1939
Had fairly good night, feel good this morning. Out before breakfast at the chopping rack, and taking of the earlie suns rays for my eyes, which are a little better than they have been.
The sun has not been as warm today, some little wind and some clouds about all day. We should have some rain soon.
From the view point of a very unworthy Old Boy. We could enlist the aid and blessings of The One we are supposed to Serve, just by being a little more kind, patient, and true toward each other, making The Gospel, with its "Golden Rule," the guide and controlling force in Our lives and dealing with each other, both inside and outside Our Church membership. This must be the time, For Our Savior tells us Himself that "Upon This Hangs All The Law and The Prophets." Whatsoever Ye Wold That Men Should Do Unto You Do Ye Even So Unto Them.
Sunday, July 2nd, 1939
As it being Fast we observed that feature of the day.
It has sprinkled several times and threatened rain all around us and we are expecting a good storm, and hoping, as we need some rain.
Around home all day, quite lonesome. Attended none of the gatherings of this Sabath Day nor have had a visitor from the ward, only a few Indians, not one of our own Folks even, have called in to see us. I'm sure each one has a valid excuse. Busy all day myself have not had time to get lonesome or in the dumps.
Heavy clouds all around and sprinkles gives us hopes for storm soon.
Monday, July 3, 39
Had a fairly good night average up a little better than usual. More cloudy and favorable for rain, but all Bluff and nearly all bluster. Unles we have a storm, garden stuff and fields will suffer after splendid prospects earlier.
Our Navajo boy has a big boil or two and is otherwise knocked out, and we feel sorry, as He is the best young Navajo Kid we have had in Our employ.
Tuesday, July 4th, 1939 Blanding
Out earlie, got good sun for eyes. Had a fairly restfull night, feel good for start on this one of our Nations holidays. Worked at the chopping job forenoon. Out to witness the "sports" in my daughters car, afternoon. Boys riding wild stuff, mostly, everybody happy. Big crowd, no one hurt as far as I heard, very little drinking in evidence. Everyone seemed to be happy.
Wednesday, July 5 ("After the Ball")
I started the day chopping before eating as I have been used to do lately.
Our Navajo Boy is some better, He is a hero and don't want to give up, but keeps plugging away.
From all appearance the weather looks dry. Had strong dry winds today at times.
July 6th, 39, Thursday
Long chopping spell before breakfast. Enjoyed breakfast. In fact, my apetite is 100 per/ct or better than normal. Scripture reading class with Sister Grant Bayles, Sister Josephine is a brick for staying with this class. She and I are alone mostly, with this scripture reading. We both find new inspiration in an old study and we are drawn nearer Our Maker.
(Had picture taken of 4 generations of Jones Family with son "Tom" this was July 7th). I overlooked putting it down.
Friday, July 7th
Felt a little better, weather getting warmer and drier. Have moved one chopping rack into the garage to use in the heat of day.
Satterday, July 8
Feel better this morning, rested good, enjoyed a good breakfast. (Leland prepares our meals with exception of dinners. Daughter Mamie gets our dinners. Mostly nice salads, sometimes, little ice cream. Done a little more chopping than usual today. Felt a little better all around.
I regret more than I can express in words the nuisence I am to so many people in my utterly helples condition. Hope it will not last too long.
Sunday, 9th
One of the long days for me, no work or visitors. Will go to Sacrament Meeting this evening if possible. Have been a church goer all my life, when quite a young boy asked by the choir leader to join the choir when about 10 or 12 years of age, and have tried to help a little with the singing where I could.
Son "Tom" took me to Church, while (over) was not able to hear most of the speakers; however, I enjoyed the services, splendidly. The usual good influence was in evidence. My son Alma knowing of my being deaf spoke lowder and I was pleased with his short spicy address which he handled like an old veteran. I thoroly enjoyed the singing of the choir and others. There is a decided improvement of the young people of Blanding Ward, in many ways.
Monday, July 19th, 1939
Feeling about normal, out before breakfast, put in a good turn at the "Block" and giving eyes a sun "bath" which I do every clear morning, believe that assists nature in preserving the eyes.
Tuesday, 11th
Followed usual program. Weather hotter, no clouds to speak of.
Wednesday, July 12th
Stil up and comming with the assistance of a few patient helpers and this assists them to work out their own ways to salvation. And come what may to high or low will help raise us from down below.
And make of this a place more rich from where we'll never want to switch.
Make peace with Heaven and all good men. And all go back to "Home" again
And live with partners pure and true. While ages last and ne-er be thru. Forever is a long--long time. No mortal ere may sence it twil be many years.
Wednesday, 12[th]
Weather stil getting warmer and windyer and dryer, if that could be possible, But we stil "peg" away.
Thursday, 13th
Nothing out of the common to cronicle.
Friday, 14[th]
Getting peavish. Not feeling quite so well, but should not complain. The machinary that controls my apetite, works and Functions fine, and don't fail often.
Satterday, July 15
Lonesome today until I received a card from Denver from my daughter Mamie and her family and some other Adams on their way to the New York World's Fair. Also a long Letter from My Wife Mame F. Jones. All fairly well excepting the Wife who besides Her regular ailing was tied Home with a bad Foot.
Sunday, July 16
Home all day, no visitors, but started out for Sacrament Meeting on crutches but Bro. Grant Bayles picked me up and rode with He and My Navajo Boy (a son of "Antees"--so named for a missionary of "The Indian Rights Association People). He is a nice fellow and seemed to be proud of his calling of assisting an helpless Old, Man in His great need. I enjoyed meeting and especially the singing and "Boy Scout" ceremony and the Sacrament.
Monday, July 17
Few, nice clouds out today. Weather stil and warm. Feels like we may have rain which is sorely needed, but how do we know, It may be the means of our eyes being opened to see that we are drifting away from the standard of unity that becomes followers of the Saviors and having taken upon us His Name.
Tuesday, 18th
Felt some better after good nights rest and sleep, most of the time. Thats a job all like to work at and very few that like to shirk at.
Wednesday, July 19th, 1939
A fairly good rest again last night feel better.
Thursday, July 20--
Met with Sister Josephine Bayles. Scripture Reading Class, the New Testament at present. I really enjoy this class. We get new ideas and new angles on old ones each time we read the Scriptures.
July 21st, 1939, Friday
Fairly good rest last night. Chopping and sawing wood, With me, it seems about all other folks are all worked up over the Hollidays with everybody els.
July 22nd
Holliday still. Our young Navajo followed the crowds today. Took stage for Monticello this morning with his parents to take in the Nahohi (Navajo name for the big shows). They pull off, started by Mexicans it is claimed, The "Trick" consists of a chicken being "buried" in the ground all but its head and the pony riders ride by on a gallope, reach down and pull chicken out or at least get the head winning the "prize".
Sunday, July 23
Part of celebration goes Merilly on some places in the county. Blanding held religious exercises, Have not heard as yet from other towns. No serious accidents yet from the county.
Attended Sacrament Meeting this evening, Several returned missionaries spoke reporting their Labors, countries, etc.
July 24th, 1939
Out before daylight and up on the pinenut Knoll, prepared to engage in the pioneer pageant representing first pioneer journey from Nauvou, Ill. to Utah Led by The prophet Brigham Young.
This in my humble judgment was the best program and highclass educational representation of one of the most important epochs of L.D.S. History
LDS pageant, continued
This must be arranged in shape for preservation as time passes it will be more important historically for the young Folks of L.D.S. and others.
July 25, 1939, Tuesday
Worked at usual program with Leland, Alice, and Navajo boy assisting little.
Wednesday, July 26
Have to use "Mark Twains" "ditto." No change or occurrance mar the almost tiresome tiresome and monotiny of the usual program. Had little rain,
Thursday, July 27th, 1939
Little more Rain Adams Big Excursion and Worlds Fair (New York) trip ended this even. Succesful, all well, They report having had the time of their lives.
Names to Remember
Hoagland, neighbor Sam
Sam Antees, little boy commenced work at $1.00 per day.
July 28 and 29
Chopped some. Got word from Provo that my son Marvin lost one of his sons, Lowel. Found in his car dead.
Sunday, July 30
Observed Sabath. Attended the funeral services held in church at 12:30 noon for Lowel, son of Marvin and Maryann (my son and wife).
Monday, July 31st, 1939
Felt a little better than normal. Worked at wood chopping most of day and had no callers come to visit until it was rather late but a lone teacher--a young Bro. Brown, who tho rather late done his job well. I enjoy the Young Teachers, who Function 100 percent. I think they have the Older Teachers outclassed.
August 1st, 1939
Weather stil dry, warm and windy and chopping stil in fashion and medium high gear. Having a few light showers the last few days when the winds stop blowing, will very some rain, that has been our experience in the past.
August 2nd
Other small Showers, weather a little cooler. Have to chop to keep warm.
August 3rd
Small light showers or few days, no change in our program
August 6th
Not much change in Weather, Chopping at the big load of wood yet. The haulers claim there was 4 cords of wood on their improvised /tractor, an imence load. We have been chopping a week or more and nearly half of it left yet. Got word here from the Mantel Hospital at Provo that Sister Lula Redd had died will be buried after funeral exercises tomorrow. Attended Sacrament Meeting at 2 o'clock and conjoint evening.
Monday 7
Attended funeral @ 10 for Sister Lula Redd, at home of Brother and Sister Frank and Hatty Barton's home. Had a quiet Humble Spirit an alltogether profitable gathering. The Family of president L.H. Redd were earnestly commended for the handling of their responsibility in her case all the way thru and they had a long siege of it before she was taken to the Hospital at Provo where she died a few day ago. At the funeral there was a Spirit of Inteligence, of unity, sympathy, kindness, all from above, all from the source of light, fresh and new to most of those present or at least for the present estate.
August 15, 1939
Having scalded my foot on the instep causing serious trouble especially after it became infected, I have not been able to do any writing, it has been very painful at times up until the last few days.
I attended an Adams Family Reunion where they organized for the purpose of Genealogical, Historical, and other purposes, especially for Social and keeping in touch and having the welfare of each other in view. Met at Bluff, Utah. F. Jacob Adams was elected president.
August 21st, 1939
Attended an Old Folks Gathering at "The Blue Mt. Dude Ranch" which I enjoyed most heartily, every number was of an high class order and handled by an artist and showed clever training, both old and young. As near as I am able to judge this was the best party of its kind I ever witnessed without any doubt, a sweet praisworthy event. Every number handled by artists.
August 26, 1939
My Older Brother Lehi W. and his oldest Son, Henry, paid us a three days visit which I have thoroly enjoyed. I place brother Lehi up among the best men of This Earth. About 1 1/2 years older than I, but many years Better in most every way. When Our Father died (Rheumatism being the immediate cause) he was only 34 years of age, and Brother Lehi changed from child to man, and from then to the present has played a man's part in the "game of life." The good Father above, help us Younger Brothers be worthy of Him, This Heritage is Ours and will thru eternity be a help and blessing to us.
September 3rd, 1939, Sunday
Attended Sabath School, not many in attendence as the quarterly conference of San Juan Stake was being held at Monticello and many had gone to attend that as visitors and authorities from headquarters were expected to be in attendance.
August 31, 1939
Stil chopping wood, etc. Had a nice visit with a Bro. Webster from one of the old prominent and highly respected families of Cedar City. At present living in Salt Lake City, Had a long interesting conversation with him in regard to old acquaintances and Friends of both of us. Frank Webster who was called with the original San Juan Missionaries and came with "Aunt" Mary and I lived and traveled together becoming very much attached to him as a solid exceptionally fine man among men, But failed in becoming Our Brother-in-law and died many years later a disapointed recluse, livin alone, away from civilization. One of the saddest pictures of My Life. Born to be One of the solid Men of earth, failed to find His place in Mortel Life. We would be pleased to do (see page 67)
Frank Webster of Cedar City
something that will be for his good and or advantage in The next Life. He was a good man and worthy of the best there is in The Eternal Life (in my opinion.) Did I know what to do for Him, and how to do it. There must be some provission in the Gospel plan to adjust matters of those splendid good people. Some perfectly good Sister left thru no fault of hers may be brot out for cases like my dear good Friend, Frank Webster. I most certainly hope so, many good men have been led off by women. My hart is with young people of this class especially the young Folks, without experience.
Date Sept 7, 1939
Occasional notes (not a continued diary)
Had nice showers during week. Freshened all crops and ranges, look for more. Very dry since the above storm. Stil chopping, beautiful warm weather.